
I’m sure that the critics of this court decision have first taken the time to familiarize themselves with the nuances of Nevada’s laws about venue of criminal cases. Because prosecutors would never screw up a case against someone who did really bad stuff. Can’t happen. Ever.
Breaking News: A Nevada judge threw out the state’s case against fake Republican electors who tried to declare Donald Trump the winner of the 2020 election.
Nevada Judge Throws Out State’s Case Against Fake The judge said the state chose the wrong venue to file a case against the Republicans who tried to declare Donald J. Trump the winner of the 2020 election.
I instinctively don’t trust prosecutors, and it’s hard to evaluate the dismissal w/o seeing the memorandum; but if Nevada law is comparable to other states, I am surprised venue can’t lie In Clark County when overt acts of the conspiracy happened there & they mailed false docs to there