
This has leaked into every facet of new construction. No one wants to spend the money upfront on building things a community can be proud of. They want the lowest cost and quickest path to recouping costs.
And Minimalism! The complete victory of Minimalism, which means engineered and machine-finished materials EVERYWHERE. Glass, laminate, steel. Again: The same materials used in everyone else's homes. But LESS of it. So they CHARGE YOU MORE. Wild.
I work at a number of schools built in the 1920s and the level of craftsmanship is astounding. They were built to LAST - and they look beautiful.
Being built to last still requires maintenance. The 1920s-built 1-story-sprawl HS my wife went to closed after they built a new building at a by-then much more central location, and within 20 years the roofs had collapsed into the building.
as someone currently doing maintenance on a 1920s building, i am aware!