
I’d use BlueSky more if my feed weren’t always dominated by the meme of the day. But it usually is, and after the 40th post about a boneless ham or the 60th repost of an AI-generated farm girl, I’ve seen enough. Can’t even mute those because they’re usually images.
And it’s really annoying to me because I follow a variety of different people, but always see 90% the same thing at any given time. Twitter was never so one-note; on Twitter I could see a variety of content just by following people, without having to set up 40 separate feeds
On BlueSky, it seems like the culture is to always have exactly one boneless ham, or one brain worm, and EVERYONE needs to fixate on that one thing at that time. Then, the next thing comes along, and everyone I-don't-want-to-play-with you-anymores the previous thing and jumps to the next thing.
I’m not active on Twitter anymore but I’ve lost a lot by migrating here. Whole communities I used to be active in on Twitter haven’t made the jump, and finding a variety of content here is much more difficult than it was there.