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Knitter who loves books, anime, dogs, gardening, Lego, baseball & learning new things.
In the many years of teaching kids a unit on either slavery or the Civil Rights, I never had a white kid feel bad because they identified with the racists. They all thought they'd be part of the Underground Railroad, they all thought they'd be best friends with Ruby Bridges.
Without even clicking the link, I’ll guess the reason — all the talk of racism makes white kids feel guilty. Again, if your kids are reading histories of slavery or segregation and identifying with the racists in the story, that suggests you’ve got your own problems to work through. Leave us out.
המקום יקום דמם May everyone who has contributed to a world in which children are murdered for existing experience an appropriate consequence for their actions. Soon. May we create a world that is safe for everyone immediately.
If you give your dog a heartworm preventative on the 1st of the month, today’s the day. And if you struggle to remember to do monthly breast self-exams on a regular basis, try doing that on the 1st too. Happy February
Today, I love worsted weight yarn I typically knit with lace weight, fingering & sport. Tried DK & it felt sooo speedy But WORSTED weight? I am flying My project is growing so quickly, I might actually finish today.
Cables were my 1st knitting AHA moment & became my comfort zone Any cable, size needle, yarn= I can knit it But UNknit it? In the round with decreases and 2/1/2s crosses, on top of a hat, using DARK wool that objects, at night when tired? 0 stars Would not repeat 12 Days to Christmas Hat 1 of 3😳
Good news! I’m ahead of schedule Today I reached the point where it was clear my holiday gift knitting plan is WAY too ambitious. That means I’m ahead of schedule (That’s how I’m looking at it. Don’t burst my bubble)
Great! New varieties of apples. But the names? MD-TAP1? MD-TAP2? Because anti-vaccine conspiracy kooks aren’t going to connect them to the DTaP vaccine or anything 🤦‍♀️ I know they’ll come up with marketing names, but still…
These new apples are built to withstand extreme There are more than 7,500 kinds of apples. The University of Maryland just invented two new ones for a warming world.
House GOP members needs to pull themselves together and vote for the man they REALLY want, the only one who can restore order: Representative Coriolanus Snow should be Speaker of the House. He will return the Capitol to greatness & crush dissent. Happy Hunger Games 2024
Apparently I have crazy ideas because I think: People who don’t believe in laws shouldn’t be House Speaker & in charge of making laws Enabling sexual abuse is wrong Murder is also wrong I didn’t realize I was such a radical
I’ve found knittingSky and LegoSky (are those the correct terms?) and I’ll be searching for folks to follow later tonight. I feel like I’ve unpacked my first box in a new home—of course I always start with the boxes of yarn, legos & books in real life too.
End of feed.