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Wife and I are long time nudists. We frequently vacationed at Orient Beach, St. Martin. Married 53 years and still going! No porn please, we just enjoy life without clothes.
Given the Republican ticket that features a loon and an idiot, I think we should run a nudist ticket! I mean come on, nudists are far more capable and would do a really great job! Just my opinion.
Dump Trump Dump Trump. Ahh, I feel so much better after my morning mantra! Keep your day naked and enjoy!
Violence has no place in our politics and I am sad for the tRUMP incident and loss of life, but I can't help thinking that his call for unity, given his past rhetoric is hypocritical. Not that this is surprising!
So why can't Biden declare tRUMP a clear and present danger to the democracy of the US and have him put in jail using the tRUMP immunity court ruling? If he is impeached for doing that, Biden just steps down, but tRUMP is still in jail! Why wouldn't this work?
Funny how Biden's age + experience = wisdom but the media can't seem to get past the age part of the equation. Guess that is why they talk on the news and are not calculating orbits for spacecraft.
I like this app much better than X or Twitter or whatever you call that thing that Musk runs. Just saying!
We don't need Automatic weapons in the United States. If we continue, then at some point we will need them just to defend ourselves! This is as nuts as nudity being dangerous and a felon, and morally bankrupt individual running for President! Uggh! Makes my head hurt!
Hehehe..stealing some nude in the sun time. My visitors are occupied someplace else for a half hour or so. I will not be missed....loving it!
Only in America could a morally bankrupt individual with no character, be a convicted felon AND be the nominee for a party that claims to support law and order! How does that work, exactly? I can't figure it out!!! Anyone care to explain this for me???
Well sadly, for next two weeks (hurts to even write it) I have wife family textile folks staying at the house. Our nude time will go to zero! These are the kind of people that make fun and tell off color nude jokes and think they are clever. Have not seen them in years. Uggh, family!
Sitting in my happy place thinking, what a wonderful world it would be if eveeyone was naked and we could not tell one from another! Nudity is the key to world peace! Who knew! I am convinced it could work. Ever see an unhappy nudist? I rest my case!
Going to be beautiful weather here for sitting out and enjoying the sun, au natural of course! Enjoying it now!!
Just had an enjoyable nude ride to and from a local sausage shop. Had to dress to go in, but it was off with the shorts and shirt as soon as I got in the car! Loved it!! They make awesome sausage by the way...just saying.
Let me know if you are okay with a direct message. I want to try it, but don't want to annoy anyone.
I wish I could understand why being nude in public in the US is prosecuted as indecent exposure. It implies there is something indecent about the naked body which is ridiculous. Why isn't this changed so there is a distinct difference between being nude and indecent behavior. Baffles me!
Dang it! Middle of May and it is still wet,cloudy and chilly. What the heck is going on!!
Advantage nudist! Just finished power washing the patio! Soaked from head to toes, but being nude, it was actually quite enjoyable and no need for a shower either! Ah, life au natural is the only way to go!!
Yay! That yellow thing up in the sky showed up! Not exactly sure what it is, not having seen the sun for weeks around here, but it really feels good! If it's not the sun, I will take whatever it is!!
I am looking forward to a day when I no longer have to see, or hear anything remotely related to tRUMP or the MAGA morons in the US. I am so tired of him and his B.S.
Sitting out now, enjoying the warmth of the sun on my naked body. I tell you, the feeling is like nothing ever experienced before. It keeps me going thru the winter!
Finally, a nude outdoors day for me! Took long enough!!!
Avatar Have to say every time I hear what comes out of MTG's mouth I am astounded. Have you noticed that with all her rhetoric, she solves nothing! But the woman complains about everything! Who does that?
The only way to watch a natural event like a solar eclipse is to do it au natural! It is perfectly natural after all. Hope you can all enjoy the experience in the nude. I will.
I can't imagine being a naturist under a tRUMP presidency. Living under his definition of "freedom" is just not what our country is about. It would set nudism back to the stone ages!
Finally the sun came out today! It was chilly, but at least it was finally sunny!
A nudist like me shoveling snow is just fundamentally wrong. All morning I thought this while shoveling and cleaning snow off my cars all while I was dressed because it was so dang cold. Naked now, so feeling a little better, but still...uggh
Somebody post a picture of some sunshine. It is grey and chilly and I have forgotten what the sun looks like. I need to move from the NE!
Avatar Just joined the bluesy app. Hope it is better than Twitter! Great to see you here!