
recently had an influx of new followers so seems like A Time to once again wistfully post about the nearly 400 page graphic novel i’m yearning to finish about the dangers of following your calling set against dying days of a VERY messy family (work schedule this year has other plans😭). #art #comcis
thank you so much adrian! hahah i am currently desperately trying to get through the pencils on a nearly 300 page book before a script comes in for a 200ish page book so i can aCtUaLlY FiNiSh it- any time someone mentions it's caught their eye it’s just rocket fuel motivation 💪 (comics are A LOT)
Soo when can we read it?
this year i’m hoping? just as long as i can get a bit of breathing space between the two books i’m currently on (which is an INCREDIBLY fortunate position to be in but also good lord burn out is REAL)
I hope you get a nice breather and finish it, looks super awesome and I will definitely get it! I recently started drawing a book and surprised how hard it is to keep the production on schedule. Definitely eats my nights and family time. I cannot even imagine how a two book schedule looks like!