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OH GOD WHERE AM I?!? (He/him)
Look, just saying, if that shot was a little further to the right, could you imagine the chaos that would ripple across the country? If you thought Jan 6 was bad, imagine Trump becoming a martyr...
Prediction: * Trump will categorize this as "them" trying to take him out, be it Biden, the Deep State, main stream media, etc. Far righters in gov will rally around this * Dems will "tut tut" this, but otherwise not meaningfully push back * The MAGAs will try to do this to Biden
Very telling how so much of the commentariat view 2016 Bernie as the devil incarnate. It's been 8 years and you're still blaming the guy. For 8 years he wasn't on office? Yeah, okay.
So I liked the Doctor Who finale! Both parts! But, seeing other people's reactions, I can't help but wonder if I liked it because I was never that invested in Ruby's mystery? (A thing which I can only recognize in hindsight). Which *if* that is the case, does point to a larger problem... #DWThoughts
Another fantastic Doctor Who episode. But my stupid little nerd brain couldn't stop from thinking: does Lindy grow up to be Susan Twist? And then she, idk, comes after the Doctor and Ruby for petty revenge? Almost *assuredly* wrong, but I just had to get it out there 😅
Man. Doctor Who good.
So, this week's Bad Batch... that was definitely a B-plot excised from an earlier episode this season for some reason and then made into its own standalone episode, right?
What's the appropriate amount of time to hold onto birthday/holiday cards before you can safely throw them out, and why isn't it "immediately"?
One thing that's really hit home for me whilst attempting to transfer my Twitter follows to over here is just how many people don't post anymore, and haven't for ages, even pre-Musk. It's this feeling of once having something that now can never be regained. It's rather sad.
Didn't bother with Mastodon. Didn't bother with Cohost. Didn't bother with Hive. Didn't bother with Threads. And yet, here I am. Maybe it'll be good! Or maybe I'll be the guy to ruin it for everyone else...
End of feed.