
the argument is and continues to be that voters shouldn’t overweight about twenty minutes of genuinely very bad debate performance
If the voters believe it then it’s true
And it’s not just 20 minutes, it’s been months/years of public buildup on the age issue leading to a performance that played into every negative expectation
Yeah it was about as bad as possible. Unfortunately I watched the rest and talked myself into it not mattering long term. I think no one knows what is better electorally so hope he will either drop out for Kamala or everyone move on asap.
I genuinely want a beer with someone who is earnestly considering voting for Trump mainly because they are worried Biden, who they’d prefer, is not up for the job.
I really don’t think it’s that, Trump looks like he more or less has a fixed vote share. It’s the soft Biden voters or undecideds who could just give up on him
Ok less interesting but still wanna talk to them