
2nd best thing is probably hammer how bad scotus is. Any policy question, turn it into "well we've gotta get better judges in there who know what the hell they're doing. They're saying trump has the power to storm the capitol but I don't have the power to forgive student loans for god's sake"
Probably the best thing Biden could do re: the ABC interview is crack a joke about how many people are saying with tears in their eyes that he did a great job in the debate & then discuss the challenges of debating someone who lies all the time, reminding ppl of all the insane shit Trump said
I would maybe reverse them and go hard on Supreme Court
I don’t like complaining about the debate because I don’t think most people respond to things being unfair. He should have known it was unfair and not done any debate. There is no point debating Trump especially with these kinds of moderators and audience. Take the heat on that instead.