j samuel diehl

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j samuel diehl


Writer, Streamer, Podcaster, Disabled, Transfem, and other assorted shiny badges.
Marfan patient surviving past the expiration date, and thriving into a creative future.
Oh, and finally getting around to cancelling Game Pass. Between the new XIV update and the price increase, I'm kind of not really going to be using or interesting in continuing the service for the time being. So many little bumps in different subscriptions keep adding up to a more limited budget.
Doing the hopeful thing of charging the tablet so I dont have that paticular excuse not to get sketch practice in. We'll see how it pans out.
Which I should add, Re: Dawntrail spoilers. Avoid them. Avoid them. Avoid them. There's a lot I knew because of trailers and Fan Fest panels that I really wish I didn't know going in. Really REALLY wish I didn't. So if you ever plan on jumping in, avoid any media about Dawntrail.
And finished the MSQ of Dawntrail. Hrm. Going to need to stew on my thoughts on this expansion. It's got a lot of mixed ponderings in my head. Some good. some ill. Gonna need to figure out how to talk about it sans spoilers...
How strange a feeling. That departing a MMO guild after ten years of residency and connection feels like leaving home. Like taking wing from a nest and catching the wind, unfettered and unsafe. Yet free.
Look at me being an adult and going to bed on time despite the looming XIV release. (Proceeds to dream of new Hrothgal)
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As Dawntrail is on the horizon and with it femHroth, I want to take a moment to talk about my Hrothgar before I fantasia. I am excited to play femHroth, but there's so much I love about Miss Boom as she is now. She actually was never supposed to be a Hrothgar, and she came to be out of spite.
And here's the shot. Each expansion I say goodbye to the previous by finding a fitting perch to overlook the realm we're leaving behind. Mare Lamentorum is a fitting spot to wave off Endwalker. For a game I've been playing for over 8 years, I'm still enthralled by it's story. I'm eager for more.
These massive group Medleys are so lovely. Just hearing all of the wonderful talents in the XIV community coming together is bliss. The two years of memories this invokes bare a promise for the new lovely sights and sounds to come in just a few days. www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjoF...
Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker Medley with 300 Musicianswww.youtube.com Download link & TABS below. Full credits in pinned comment !This project was the most difficult thing I've ever done. I'm glad how it turned out. It was exha...
Did I blink? Did the lights flicker? Is my optical hardware having a malfunction? Was it transference interference?
Just some mental cobweb cleaning. Brain is out of sorts tonight and needed a place to put them. Easier to put the pieces back together when I can take a step back and assess where things go.
I can feel the levee straining. The desire to be strong and support fills me. But I worry I am giving too much of my soil, and not maintaining my head before the flood. I do not seek to control voices. But I strain to hear the things I love are so detested by those I love. I'm feel as drowning.
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i love to follow and see artists post on here, but I can't in good conscience repost them without alt-text, sorry.
Yooo, my latest Lich is reading me and telling me to sit down. Best Lich name I've had yet.
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Test driving one option for an upcoming party. Feeling extremely gender rn.
Rewatched Honor Amongst Thieves last night. Been a bit, but forget how charming that movie feels. Imperfect party with the various vibes of different levels of buy-in for their characters. Watching as SIL might be interested in joining a campaign, so trying to compile a list of inspiration for her.
Yup. Probably going back to AST as my main healer. I already miss the time mage identity the job had, but at least the cards are interesting again.
So, beat Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth. It's... hrm. It's okay. It has neat concepts that are not explored as much as they should. Bosses are fun but easy, and that's sort of the tone of the entire game. Nostalgia drove me on a great deal, but it's basically a pleasant lukewarm metrovania experience.
Friend I am still closeted with commenting on my hair wraps that I use because of my dysphoria: "Ah, going for that pirate look huh?" Me, internally: "aye, going to blast off into the seas of gender and plunder the parts that feel like the true self and I, me hearty" Me, verbally: "yea, sure."
Oof. My body is protesting heavily how active we were this weekend. But as a disabled gal who normally never has company or gets out, it's worth this. I'm very proud of how much I got done. I also know I'm gonna be hurting extra all week, but fuck it. It's a pain I'd rather choose than isolation.
I cheesecaked from scratch! It was tasty! My first one!
Caught Red Vs Blue: Restoration last night. Bittersweet feelings, but appropriate that first and last things I consume from Roosterteeth is that series. Lots of mixed feelings about my own memories especially a decade ago when RT was a bigger part of my life, or two decades ago when I first saw RvB.
I'm so tired of like half of the time I talk to my siblings I end up crying afterwards. I'm just so tired.
Welp, after a decade finally departing from the Shadowrunner's Union over on the book of faces. I'm mostly a lurker over there these especially in the SU, but enough that I see the bulk of the content in my feed, including the AI Art they now are officially flagging as okay.
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When depression tells you "who cares?" and "why bother?", small steps of self-care become moments of rebellion against oblivion.
In all my joy yesterday, I forgot to post here about the flowers I got! From my lovely kiddo, @macaronstar.bsky.social , a splendid mother's day bouquet arrived at my door.
I did the thing. Color! Happy lovely color!
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@lastweektonight1.bsky.social's episode on Public Libraries is now online! Around the 12 minute mark is when he defends our book, LET'S TALK ABOUT IT, just before comrade graphic novel GENDER QUEER around 16 minutes. There were... some tears while watching this. Book ⮕ www.erikamoen.com/LetsTalk
"And in a country where 17 states provide abstinence-only sex education, it ["LET'S TALK ABOUT IT"] might be the most honest discussion about porn some teens get, ..." -John Oliver on @lastweektonight1.bsky.social Season 11, Episode 10 John Oliver read our book 😳 Book ⮕ www.erikamoen.com/LetsTalk
Libraries: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)www.youtube.com John Oliver explains why public libraries are under attack, where those challenges are coming from, and how you really spell “Berenstain." Trust us, it’s not...
Really hitting that stride of submerging myself in digital realms to escape my own brain.
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I went dancing at the bar for Cinco de Mayo in my new yellow dress and strappy sandals and I moved unfettered and felt, for a brief moment, myself: free and beautiful. a joyous, vibrating atom of the universe.