Nobody Wants the Thimble

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Nobody Wants the Thimble

A lot of nonsense in not a lot of words. Expect random posts about games, theatre, and parenthood. (He/him)
I dreamt last night that I was trying to pitch a script I wrote to Harrison Ford. I told him the role would allow him to be grumpier than he ever had been on screen. He said yes almost immediately.
My family is going to visit the in-laws this weekend, but I can’t go along because I have to work on Saturday, so I’ll be myself playing solo board games. What should I play? I’m leaning towards Gloomhaven, Robinson Crusoe, and Arkham Files games. Thoughts? Suggestions?
I feel like, as long as I had access to electricity, I could live pretty happy with a hermit lifestyle.
I spent most of the day playing the Guardians of the Galaxy video game and watching funny cat videos, AMA.
Played the North Pole Nightmare feature film for Final Girl today. It was an absolute slaughter. I’m definitely going on the Naughty List for not stopping the Krampus….
As long as there are kidnappers and a need to prove today's date, newspapers will never become a dead medium.
Got’s Slings and Arrows Unmatched Expansion from my girls for Fathers’ Day. I have been really looking forward to it, I feel like it was made specifically for me! (Also pictured, a custom cardboard “Funko Pop” of one of our cats by my youngest.)
Played Gravwell and Minecraft: Builders and Biomes with the youngest today, first time with both games. Gravwell was as good as I expected, but the Minecraft game was better than it had any right being.
I 100%ed Dredge today. I haven’t done that for a game since Lego Pirates of the Caribbean about 8 years ago or so. I would totally Men In Black myself so I could play Dredge again anew.
The goal has always been to retire, become Snowbirds, and get part time jobs at Disney World, working at either the Jungle Cruise or (preferably) Savi’s Lightsaber Workshop. And then I go to Walmart and remember how awful the average consumer is.
I just started playing Dredge. I am really digging the cozy existential dread of it. Highly recommend.
FLGS had a tent sale today where they were selling a lot of demo games and overstock. Picked up a demo copy of Gravwell for $10. Brought it home to check to see if all the parts were there and discovered the cards weren’t even unwrapped. Unplayed demo….
A full mosquito is just nature’s squib pack.
The economy is even affecting my dreams. SFX was so bad in my dream last night, even Dream Me noticed. A book was flipping pages by itself but it looked like bad CGI/stop motion. But then the guy next to me had his mouth sewn shut, so I kept my criticisms to myself.
We just got a new Smart TV and I discovered that it has a dedicated Mystery Science Theater channel and I refuse to change from it. Send help.
Some people just want to see the world…*rolls dice, checks chart*…burn.
This is very upsetting.
Happy Ides of March! Stay away from congregating senators today. Actually, that’s good advice any time of year.
My favorite Fleetwood Mac song is “Tusk” because it sounds like it should be an Electric Mayhem song where they’re backed up by a horde of Viking Pigs.
The Eleven Year Old said they had Chicken and Waffles for lunch at school the other day and that the waffles were just the school’s normal pancakes with holes punched in them and I don’t know how to process that.
Dear Call of Cthulhu Actual Play Podcasts, Anyone need an old, straight White dude who has no podcast or Call of Cthulhu experience but can be kinda funny at times to join their team? Hit me up. Yours truly, Thimble
Played some blinders of Blood on the Clocktower last night. Storytold a game where the klutz was killed the first night and immediately ended the game the next day by choosing the witch.
I really like it when board games with lots of fiddly rules have a tutorial campaign, slowly introducing you to the various mechanics. Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion did this very well, and I see they’ve done it in the collector’s edition of Robinson Crusoe. Much appreciated.
The conservatives’ poet laureate is whoever discovered that broke rhymes with woke.
Live in 8!
Surprise Oldmancreaux stream tonight! 8pm central! WWE2k23 MyGM Mode! We’re gonna be spreadsheeting like a mofo!
OldManCreaux - This space for rent.
Surprise Oldmancreaux stream tonight! 8pm central! WWE2k23 MyGM Mode! We’re gonna be spreadsheeting like a mofo!
OldManCreaux - This space for rent.
Live on 7 minutes!
Oldmancreaux is attempting another stream tomorrow, trying out the wrestling themed rpg Wrestlequest. Starting at 10am central time.
One hour from now.
Oldmancreaux is attempting another stream tomorrow, trying out the wrestling themed rpg Wrestlequest. Starting at 10am central time.
Oldmancreaux is attempting another stream tomorrow, trying out the wrestling themed rpg Wrestlequest. Starting at 10am central time.
When you’re on a 7 hour car trip, you discuss a lot of time discussing important things with your significant other. Today we discussed ’s “Skipper Dan”. Specifically, how long Dan’s shift was. The discussion lasted a lot longer than you might expect.
Das boot. Helluva start to the new year.