
Like many, I was surprised and delighted by the French election results, proving that the far right can be beaten with the right messaging and coalition work. That carries some important lessons for the U.S. in November. I explain in today’s piece, link in the replies.
Even more impressive than the French people's victory over fascism was how they trashed and stomped on all the polls showing Le Pen ahead. Americans should keep this in mind when dubious sources cite polls with the lying criminal Trump ahead. We've ALWAYS outnumbered MAGA and still do.
LePen was ahead because the left and center were splitting the vote. They worked together to not do that. Who ever was third in the first round of voting dropped out. This kept them from splitting the vote.
If only the people doing the messaging were honest brokers (looking at you, Gray Lady).
is the lesson keep doing the same thing all over again and if the fascists win it’s fine because you tried your best? no? Well that’s weird. Somebody tell Biden.
So how do we spread the word and get all the left leaning opponents of the fascist right to work together here in the US?