
I have read all your posts—thank you—and I have arrived at an extremely well informed take on the Key Bridge collapse: full employment for tugboats.
Structural engineers, welcome to the circle of hell on social media. The public health experts brought cupcakes and, as always, those of us who work in emissions reduction and climate change brought booze…
As an interested idiot on shipping, civil/naval engineering, that's where my head was going as well. If you can't build a bridge to survive a massive systems failure on a giant boat, and you can't outlaw the giant boat, you've got to handcuff them to tugboats until they're out in the open water.
Thank you. "Scuffy the Tugboat" was one of my favorite childhood books and at long last I feel seen.
“Scuffy the Tugboat” was one of the first books I ever bought my daughter!
Scuffy was old-time slang for high AF?
Of course not, I thought at first, but upon closer reading of the scripture.... "A toy store is no place for a tugboat," said Scuffy, and he sniffed his blue smokestack again.
Ahhh.... snorter. Know your drugs, kids.
It really can't apply to that many bridges. Tug escort through vulnerable piers on the few at risk bridges doesn't seem like that heavy of a lift.
The Key Bridge wasn't the only bridge the Dali would have passed under on the way to the Atlantic.