
How Fascism Works ( Reproducing here on Bluesky because there is so much worth considering & commenting on EVEN within New Zealand Aotearoa #nzpol - Link to the Substack source at end of thread ) đŸ§” The 10 Elements of Fascism, from “How Fascism Works”:
How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them a book by Jason "No single book is as relevant to the present moment."--Claudia Rankine, author of Citizen "One of the defining books of the decade."--Elizabeth Hinton, author of From the War on Poverty to the War on...
1. The Mythic Past Fascist politics invokes a glorified, mythological past that has supposedly been destroyed or undermined by liberal, foreign, or otherwise corrupting influences.
2. Propaganda The use of propaganda to manipulate or control the public narrative is a hallmark of fascist politics. This often involves the use of misleading or blatantly false information to shape public perception.
3. Anti-intellectualism Fascist movements often distrust intellectuals or the academic establishment, viewing them as part of the corrupt or degenerate elite, and as a threat to the "common sense" of the people.
4. Unreality The creation of a disorienting, alternate reality through the repeated assertion of falsehoods, conspiracy theories, and the blurring of fact and opinion.
5. Hierarchy The belief in a natural social hierarchy, as well as the supremacy of certain groups over others based on race, ethnicity, or nationality.
6. Victimhood Fascists often position their in-group as the victims of an injustice perpetrated by out-groups, thereby justifying any action taken against these supposed enemies.
7. Law and Order A strong emphasis on law and order, often as a pretext for suppressing political dissent and marginalizing minority groups.
8. Sexual Anxiety The exploitation of sexual anxiety as a way to rally support for fascist causes, often through the control and subjugation of women's bodies and the demonization of others' sexual practices.
9. Sodom and Gomorrah The portrayal of cosmopolitan or urban areas — cities — as places of moral decay, in contrast to the purity of the rural or traditional heartland.
10. "Arbeit Macht Frei" The glorification of work and the stigmatization of those perceived as not contributing to the labor force, often used to target minority groups or the unemployed.
"We encourage all FrameLab subscribers to read this important book. And we look forward to your thoughts. If you enjoyed this post, please share it with your friends and family. — Gil Duran | FrameLab"
How Fascism The 10 elements of a dangerous ideology
Excellent thread. It's like the mini blue print for Trump and the GOP. I look forward to reading the full book.
I really like how Discourse on Colonialism' by Aimé Césaire points out how fascism is colonialism turned inward, you can even see it in the history here in NZ. From Māori concentration camps to literal fascists marching down our streets.