
I have a small ativan rx that is useful for staving off ME/CFS crashes when taken after a day of overexertion or unexpected sleeplessness, things like that. I really don't need much (0.125-0.25mg per dose, smallest tablets are 0.5 mg), and only need it infrequently, but the fireworks for 6 nights--
and probably counting mean I've almost run through my current rx weeks in advance and had to schedule a last-minute dr appt for tomorrow to get a refill ahead of normal schedule. (And will have to reschedule a different appt to accommodate that one.)
The way we fail to give a shit about disabled people in this country is fractally oppressive.
Even those who are against fireworks mostly mention animals and rarely vets with ptsd. No other people or disabilities. When it comes to fireworks people are somehow even worse than normal at acknowledging disabilities beyond what they think they are familiar with. And at admitting harm.