
C-suites have always made bafflingly dumb choices about implementing new tech, but it does feel like executives are making those dumb choices at a much faster, more dangerous rates nowadays
Even worse, C-suites are buying in on the chrome & foam.
Feels like C-suites are speed-running their own tenures at companies more now. More willing to 'burn the ships' for a few good years under them, make good coin, then peace out or bounce to the next thing. Seems to be way less long-term planning/strategy.. which I have a few different thoughts on..
one more thing I’ll say is this also feels tied to the loss of consequences & loss of the importance of ‘reputation’. Politics have devolved so much, & this is now impacting the corporate world. Anyone that faked caring about ethics for their reputation feels like that shit doesn’t matter anymore
It's almost like making a shit ton of money & having ethics are at cross purposes. Weird.
lmao yes this too. But there used to be a world where some CEOs cared enough about pretending to care or pretending to be inspiring and ethical, et cetera Also the CEOs 'talk' & this thread might land me on some List of Ire but whatever. If you're a CEO & GAF about others this doesn't apply to you
Maybe I'm cynical but it seems like CEO's have never taken ethics seriously. If a company is big enough to have a CEO, they are doing something unethical, usually screwing their employees.
Yeah. I do understand why people might feel this way. However, I *personally* feel uncomfortable w such blanket statements because I personally know at least one CEO that kind of challenges this. I also try to avoid viewing any group as a monolith - even privileged?
I also think that a lot of this has become exacerbated w CEO salaries rising so -sharply- vs other employees. So the role is esp good at attracting more folks on the toxic side of things. To take such a mismatched salary vs the folks that works for you requires a 'type'?
and last, these are my opinions only and I'll never judge yours re: the subject of CEOs. I'm of the opinion that people are allowed to feel however they feel about systems that are severely imbalanced because it impacts all of us differently :)
I appreciate your perspective. I feel like if CEO'S & C suite types were really interested in the opinions of the commoners there's a ton of stuff they could do to make life easier for us, but they don't. They just keep looking for ways to squeeze more blood from the stone.
I don't want to seem like I'm issuing a blanket defense for a group I am often deeply critical of 😅 I think it differs a bit more w smaller company CEOs that are on a diff level & don't make *exorbitantly* more than their employees. I think it's a greater issue w larger or public traded companies
I think when most people hear CEO they think Fortune 500 company and not necessarily the local bank with 6 locations or the regional non-profit food bank. I personally know the CEO of both of those examples.
yeah, it's easy to forget that 'CEO' isn't just the kind of person that runs multi-national biggun conglomerate whatevers: small biz, not for profits, et cetera have em Though I'll be honest - while individually I'm sure bank CEOs can be good people, banks kinnnnda make their $ through iffy ways..