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│ Simon/obie • 24 • he/him
│  UI/Audio Engineer • guitarist • duck bunny
Crazy Taxi 3 is the only game in the series that doesn't shuffle its music, it plays the same 3 tracks every time you play a round on any map. So I took matters into my own hands and wrote a hook that lets you use your own songs, as many as you want, and it shuffles too! github.com/obieFM/CT3Mu...
GitHub - obieFM/CT3MusicTool: Launcher for Crazy Taxi 3 that allows custom music and shuffling music.github.com Launcher for Crazy Taxi 3 that allows custom music and shuffling music. - obieFM/CT3MusicTool
Banana game on Steam. Buy all diamond bananas for sale for around roughly $1,500. Sell the bananas at a starting price of $2,000, each one increasing in price by $500. Wait for all the bananas to sell, use Steam wallet funds to buy Steam Decks. Sell Steam Decks on eBay for nearly $6,000 real profit.
Convinced IGN fans are just stupid, tons of backlash against the new Batman VR game even though we haven't even seen any gameplay yet. VR is not a gimmick, it's a different medium entirely for video games. A game made for VR can't just be reworked for non-VR without losing the entire experience.
And now I can make music with the game boy :)
Why did nobody tell me there were two Planet of the Apes games released in 2017-2018?? A VR title and an interactive movie!
Sometimes wonder why I went into game development instead of being a mascot actor wearing Sanrio costumes
My old employer Traega's new game, Dawn of Defiance, revealed today. Most of the IGN comments are pointing out how oversaturated the OWSC genre is. Having worked on the game, it's definitely not my favorite genre, but the artists deserve a lot of credit for their hard work.
5PM - 9PM is definitely one of the most inconvenient times to fall asleep for a nap
Returning to NFS Unbound after months of trying other racing games that didn't stick with me was satisfying. The game has so much style, controls like heaven, great music and the sense of risk vs. reward is a huge point in its favor that is completely absent from most other racing games.
So for whatever reason, using AMC HW AV1 encoding in OBS uses 80% of my GPU when idle, but AOM AV1 uses only 5%, and this is with an AMD GPU 🤔
I think just to be pedantic and make a point, Facepunch should also file a cease-and-desist against Nintendo to force them to take down every Mario Maker level called "Garry's Mod", "gary's mod", or any other equivalent
Doom Snapmap sounds like a custom map for Doom Snap! a Pokemon Snap inspired Doom spinoff where you take photos of demons
Premise for a psychological horror game - you're a person in a regular, realistic world living day to day. One day, people start talking to you and asking you to press action buttons or save your game, you have no idea what they're talking about and you start to lose your sanity and grip on reality.
Watched two things today – Godzilla x Kong was horrendously bad and uninteresting lol Ending of Better Call Saul was satisfying and sentimental
Just had an interesting exchange at Sonic "Anything else?" No that's all thank you "Oh..." *payment screen comes up*
Exclusive games never made me say "wow I might want to get (console) so I can play that" Instead it's always "wow I will never get to play that ever"
Hear me out: The next Doom should be a military shooter sorta like they had in development as Doom 4. It can be the ODST of the Doom games, where you play as a civilian drafted-ARC Soldier reclaiming a demon infested Earth post-Eternal, pre-Ancient Gods
Tried Rocksmith+ briefly yesterday, it's got a couple nice quality of life improvements but the main thing holding it back is the limited song selection. Not sure why I would play this over Remastered with all that game's community support. Plus, the subscriptions are a bit overpriced
Sometimes if I'm feeling bad I'll just smile to invite more positive energy
Oh shit Scott Pilgrim
My phone opened bluesky and started typing this in my pocket what does it mean
I played sonic forces today, it is definitely sonic forces And it really is as short as people say, played the whole game in one sitting in less than two hours
Not sure I understand the hardship of game preservation on digital consoles... Whereas before the data was on a disc, it's just on a hard drive now. We're talking about games you download, not stream. The data is right there just take it
Never really understood the appeal of tuning your car in racing games to drift everywhere all the time, I feel like drifts only look cool if you do them selectively in conjunction with clean/fast driving
Just watched this video about Minecraft's EULA and how evil it supposedly is, and yet every single thing that was talked about like it was controversial felt totally reasonable to me
The Hypocrisy of Minecraft's New Rules...youtu.be Minecraft's new rules are a blatant power grab. Will Mojang abuse them?» Buy my YOUTOOZ, if you want! - https://youtooz.com/products/antvenomIn the world of ...
I would like to post/embed videos on bluesky please
Wrapped up the process recently of reverting my 4-color rainbows back into the Bit.Trip rainbow The 4-color one, while unique, just looked almost too "Spanish" and didn't feel as personal/retro