Oddball the blue

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Oddball the blue


Sentient (barely) denzien of Northern England. Fluent in sarcasm, fondler of vinyl and occasional computer botherer.
Anyone else think Kunssberg sounds somewhat bitter?
When. The. Hell. Did. Peter. Bloody. Mandelson. Become. A. Voice. Of. Reason? How did he manage to have a moral high ground?!...
The problem with having a hobby that involves older or vintage items is the impulse to never let a bargain slip through your fingers. Case in point I need to drive to York to pick up hifi gear tomorrow (but I know it's worth around 5 times what I paid minimum once I've serviced it)
Ohhh new discovery of why I should use bluesky more than... The other place™. That I can copy text verbatim from a phone. I mean really.... Is it that hard to allow you to copy, then delete a post so you can have it sans typos?
Sooner or later I will have purchased a number of electrical doodads, fixed them all and have no urge for any more... Not today though. Not yet.
Someone's been REALLY desperate for a wee...
Why is there no film in the UK with a true hero car that gets resurrected? Oh yeah. MOT, tax and insurance never seems to be an issue for the Yanks.
Strange how listening to songs you know well in a different light (be it a different point in your life or a different place) and suddenly the lyrics just hit home so much more than you ever thought..
I wonder what we'd all think if once a year we were all forced to re-read all of our messages, social media posts and general communications...
Days like today remind me that I'm both a social animal, but on my terms... I've turned into an old cat basically....
In hindsight I probably should have removed the main board from the amplifier before starting on replacing the caps. On the plus side, it's brought a whole new game to play of "which pin is anyway?". Fun times.
So my previous assertion that on the bird palace I didn't have issues with bots/trolls now seems to have backfired with obvious bot accounts following me a couple of times a day now. Really not sure why though. They never do anything, just... Follow me. For reasons.
So storm proof matches stink.... Like really stink.,. Never ever try and verify the water proofness indoors. I cannot stress this enough. Learn from my mistake. Just don't.
Who would have thought trying to fix a 21 year old bit of tech would be such a pain in the arse? The biggest issue... Figuring out the actual root cause (though I have some promising leads, oscilloscope output charts to compare against and a fair idea on what parts it isn't).
The wind is now gusting enough that it's got me worried not just over the roof slates but even the top floor... I can actually feel it moving the in the wind (3rd floor of the house and this place is sturdy, victorian housing stock.) So...yeah tonight's going to be fun.
Dear plumbing...... What did I ever do to you?
I do have to wonder if online social communities would be much better if we could have some social network purely for sarcasm, irony and wit?
No ebay app, you've not "streamlined my results" you've just removed the teams I didn't search for.
Humm.... Noticing that bluesky isn't always able to reveal the whole thread. This has lead to an embarrassing copy of someone else's sarcasm. *le sigh* On that note, does anyone else interact with social media almost entirely with sarcasm?
Out of curiosity, who else is still on the ex-bird place if only to watch it continue further down the spiral? (the current 'x is within 300m of you' adverts are just a bizzare latest turn).
At a brewery 8th birthday so sent the wife and youngest to check if it's a giant can or a cake. Cake as it turns out and also I forgot how easy both of them are to be goaded into checking these sorts of things.
I'm still trying to figure out why the word 'Dad-eeeeee' as said by a now somewhat put out 10 year old amuses me so? (for the record said 10 year old is of my own progeny, but has a highly developed sense of belligerent towards the parental unit)
I'm starting to wonder if social media is just a place now for intrusive thoughts to given space and taken seriously instead of ignored/corrected/mocked like it would with most rational beings?
Note to self. I really shouldn't start reading through my LinkedIn feed. Ever. The urge for sarcasm/opposing view or just pointing out "issues" is too much of a compulsion.
I've just witnessed what must be a YouTube hack... 15 views but 51k up votes. Urmmm... OK?
I've finally done it. Having decided that a proper cover for my hipdac (like the flask but it's for tunes and powering cans) I endeavoured to find an alternative. Cue ducttape... Turns out the hipdac is double the width of a strip of tape, so ghetto skin it is for the thing.
I need to find a way of calibrating headphones for the bus... I mean I could be obnoxious and wear open backs (you *will* enjoy my music) but I'm not that big an arsehole (despite rumours to the contrary) but no closed backs will do as they block "bus noises" but how loud do I take them?
Social media why do you make me censor myself? It's such a weird thing wanting to be open and yet only to a small group of specific people at the same time.
Nothing so tense as a wiring job where you've bought *just* enough cable to fit.
For the first time on Bluesky: repost the Edgley Optica for no reason!