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I'm not actually Superman. he/him
Irrationally annoyed every time I'm in the gym and different muscles do different weights, in my mind I know that's ridiculous but it ~feels~ like I should be able to set each machine to the same number
"You have entered your bank account number wrong" I HAVE JUST PUT IN THE FIRST CHARACTER GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK
I do think Kyle Gass shouldn't have said that, because saying the wish out loud will make it not come true
Ah christ a bunch of fire engines blasted past but apparently there's been a plane crash at the local airport
"What's a lucha libre mask?" "Imagine a gay balaclava."
Genuinely fucking insane how we had a guy try to violently grab power and it took less than four years for the system to go from "well maybe that's bad and he should suffer 1 (one) consequence" to "fuck it, give him even more power and also billions of money"
The entire office has no internet. Finally we are free.
At this point just replace the entire US constitution with a napkin that has "TRUMP CAN DO WHAT HE WANTS" on it tbh
I've been doing really well on snacking less and exercising more but sometimes you just gotta eat an entire chocolate orange in one go tbh
Look I'm not saying I'm psychic but
Reassuringly, as a half Dutch, half English, the outcome of tonight's match doesn't matter to me, I'll be disappointed in the final regardless
It is quite noticeable that Democrats have, in less than 24 hours, expressed more sympathy for a guy who didn’t actually get killed than for the tens of thousands of Palestinians who’ve been brutally murdered over the last several months.
Right-wingers know they're hypocrites and they're happy to be hypocrites. Pointing out they do the same but worse as the people they attack isn't gonna do anything. They're not in it for any sort of good faith and the fact they get away with the same shit they crucify people over is the point.
Went on a walk, met a bunch of cats
I'm no expert but if I was the Secret Service and I was responsible for not having a guy get shot, I don't think I'd base my entire strategy on "hoping they miss"
"Acorn" sounds pretty much exactly like "eekhoorn," the Dutch for "squirrel" COINCIDENCE?! Yeah, probably
I bit a radioactive spider and now it's got human powers. It's crying
A while ago I was at a thing with the marketing department of a big place and they talked about the time they posted Pride for a week and lost 8000 followers and somehow the message they took from that was "You shouldn't do too much about one subject" and not "We're better off without these fucks"
Look I know bluesky doesn't have an algorithm but it still kinda feels like there should be a way to exclude my own posts from the "Discover" feed
Did my nails, found them kinda boring, remembered I had a mermaid shine polish so I put that over the top and now they're shiny
I do really like my pizza stone
Look we like it when people read, there's no point in having all these books if they don't get borrowed
This walkway was not built with climate change in mind
I could never be a fantasy author, because I only have one middle initial
The treadmills at the gym have preset routines and one of them is the "glutes shaping routine" and frankly I gotta respect a machine that lets you go "gimme that round ass"
A bunch of the stuff Labour did in that first week is pretty good but that really doesn't outweigh the fact that Streeting is gonna fucking kill trans kids with his TERF bullshit