I. Latham

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I. Latham


Husband, dad, heathen, writer, aspiring skald & history freak; native Brit living in Germany.
Sharing my heathen musings.

Hail Freya-Frigg on Freya-Frigg’s Day! Each step we plant on these ancient ways, Each foot placed on paths The ancestors trod, Bring us to Fensalir’s Offering ground, And onward to the company Of the Lady of Folkvangr. #heathensky #occultsky #paganism #witchsky
Hanged upon Yggdrasil, run through with his own spear, Odin attains the runic vision; realises the mysteries into which the roots of Yggdrasil plunge.Such could only be witnessed at the threshold between life and death, at the liminal point of crisis where all is opened up to the seeker. #occultsky
Wine for the Allfather on Odin’s Day. Hail Odin! Grant us the insights of Yggdrasil, Of things that are And are to come; Of life and death, Of the turning wheel And its bearing Of all that is Toward the crushing Jaws of Fenrir’s rage, And Jörmungandr’s Heaving coils, And Raganarok. #occultsky
Once one realises that the Gods are not aloof, not perched upon clouds as it were, but are latent to all things — only then will creation be celebrated for its inherent significance. Not as something to be dominated or escaped from, but to be immersed within and embraced. Live life! #occultsky
There is a spiritual shift afoot. Things are ending so that newer better things can rise.They will not be easy times,but they are necessary. Ragnarok cannot be avoided anymore than the sunset. And it is for now that your calling — the seer, the priestess,the poet — is coming to fruition. #occultsky
Our little familiar, Monty. Just about coping with his stressful life as you can see. 😉 #occultsky #witchsky #pagansky #heathensky #pets
Shall we not heed the wordless tug of ancient memories and follow the turn of the road towards landscapes marked with ancient stones and dimly lit forests filled with sacred wisdom unspoken? #pagansky #occultsky #heathensky #witchsky
It’s in your veins, the life of the Gods who call you. This is why their summons feels like an invitation from old friends. For it is precisely that; a home-coming. The ancestors greet your return with a roar and pound their fists on laden tables in the halls of the Allfather. #pagansky #occultsky
Hail Odin, Hail Allfather! Hail Freya, Hail Lady of Seidr! I embrace you, And embrace The ways of The ancestors; The path of The Old Lore; The path Of life and death, Of the turning wheel; Of sacrifice for wisdom, Of honour in all things; Paved with the Memories of those Who went before #pagansky
O Freya, Summon me! O Odin, Call me! Beyond, Far beyond, Through mist To the hidden ways Trodden by Ancient sages…. #pagansky #heathensky #occultsky #witchsky
Hagstones we found when visiting England‘s south coast last year. #pagansky #occultsky #heathensky #witchsky #paganism #nature
Hail Freya-Frigg on this Freya-Frigg’s Day! In your company, Great Lady, May our steps be sure; By Brisingamen’s light, Great Queen, May our path be clear; In Fensalir’s brooding depths May we cast our offering, And toward Folkvangr’s scented meadow Turn our stride. #heathensky #pagansky #occultsky
Your existence is the product of a thousand generations of your ancestors who have lived and loved and honoured the Gods. Honour them by truly living this life they bequeathed you. Honour them by walking in their footsteps in the ways of the old lore. #occultsky #pagansky #witchsky
More and more are awakening to their heathen nature. More and more are recognising the whispers they have heard since before they could remember as those of the Gods of their ancestors.More and more are heeding the call back to the Old Ways. For something new is rising, formed of the Old. #pagansky
Yggdrasil is the interconnectedness of all things. It is a reminder that all limbs of existence draw their life from the same source, and that every bough and leaf on this cosmic tree depends upon the next. Yggdrasil makes a mockery of the illusion of division that too often fuels hatred. #pagansky
Hail Odin on Odin‘s Day! Hail, Allfather, Wisdom-seeker, Battle-stirrer Fire of the Skald, Wolf-runner, Huginn‘s Ear And Muninn‘s Trove; Through mist, Through thorns, To high peaks And the deep vales, Summon us To the company Of the ancestors. With strength, With courage, With honour. #occultsky
Saviours are for those who abrogate personal responsibility. The Gods do not come to save us; the path is our own and a walk requires effort. The Gods call, they guide, but we must put in the legwork. And where we cannot walk, we must be prepared to drag ourselves on the way. #occultsky #witchsky
Hail Allfather, Hail High One! May the vision You grasped after On Yggdrasil‘s spreading boughs Be ours; May we gladly cast Our own impeded sight Into the depths Of Mimir‘s waters For the sake Of truly seeing; May Gungnir Pierce the veil And the Old Ones Stride out to meet us. #occultsky #paganism
Your ancestors gather and call you to follow in their footsteps, to recover the ancient paths too long hidden beneath the brambles of entangling creeds. #occultsky #paganism #witchsky
Cast aside your limiting beliefs, the old conditioning of dead dogma that sought to erase the memories of the Gods of your ancestors. Those Gods speak still in your blood and their words are engraved on your bones. #occultsky #paganism #witchsky
Quick selfie of yours truly on a family day out yesterday to Movie Park Germany. Lots of fun, too much food at the restaurant! Whatever we’re up to, whether work or play, serious or fun, the Gods are with us.The meaning of life is to live it.To breathe in the air and energy of existence. #occultsky
If we do not cast our limited vision deep into the wells of mystery as Odin did, then we shall not see as Odin saw, and what we imagine as sight shall be no more use to us than our groping ignorantly in the darkness of a stormy night. #occultsky #paganism #witchsky #writing #norsepagan #heathen
Hail Freya-Frigg on this Freya-Frigg’s Day! Seidr-weaver, Völva, Queen — Be to us as the full moon‘s light, And shine the fire Of Brisingamen before us, Guiding us on the paths Of the ancestors. #occultsky #paganism #witchsky
New statuette of the Allfather arrived today. Love the detail and the energy. Already added to my sacred space. #occultsky #witchsky #paganism #altar #sacredspace #pagan #norsepagan
Save Fenrir devours the moon, there can be no darkness within which the light of rebirth can be known. Save Jörmungandr breaks the boundaries of the seas, there can be no chaos to reveal form. Save Hel does battle with the Gods, there can be no despair within which hope can be cradled. #occultsky
Frigg-Freya sees our destinies and weaves them new. We are not trapped by our former actions and experiences. The cords of their confinement can be severed and tied and new threads spun and woven into a tapestry that shows our feet marching resolutely to the halls of the Gods. #occultsky #paganism
Since the Old Gods whisper still, we need not be timid in forging our spiritual path out of their words to us. #occultsky #witchsky #paganism
As I collected some sprigs of fresh yew early this morning for my sacred space for Odin’s Day, a lone raven flew overhead, calling loudly. ‘Good morning, Huginn,’ was really the only fitting response! A blessed Odin’s Day to all! #occultsky #witchsky #paganism