


Pedant, mostly lurking.
I looked on youtube for how to slice a banana, and there wasn't a single video in the first 20 explaining the easiest way to slice a banana. (I don't have a day job).
In this ruling, Kavanaugh wrote that college students taking their professor out to Chipotle after graduation is comparable to this case where a mayor accepted $13k after awarding a contract to a garbage truck company. This is now the bar for a supreme court justice. www.nytimes.com/2024/06/26/u...
Corruption Law Allows Gifts to State and Local Officials, Supreme Court Ruleswww.nytimes.com The court, which has limited the sweep of several anti-corruption laws, distinguished after-the-fact rewards from before-the-fact bribes.
Rishi and Trump calling for more tax cuts is like the CEO of White Star Line calling for more icebergs.
Everything you need to know about Starmer's Labour
Whoops. "The effort was sloppy. Profile pictures used in some accounts sometimes didn’t match the fictional personas they cultivated... In at least two instances, accounts with profile photos of Black men posted about being a “middle-aged Jewish woman.”" www.nytimes.com/2024/06/05/t...
Israel Secretly Targets U.S. Lawmakers With Influence Campaign on Gaza Warwww.nytimes.com Israel’s Ministry of Diaspora Affairs ordered the operation, which used fake social media accounts urging U.S. lawmakers to fund Israel’s military, according to officials and documents about the effor...
Is Private Equity the new Greater Fool? From Bain & Co's 2024 report. They now own 28,000 companies with a marked (cf. market) value of $4 trillion. Who's gonna buy them out?
I wish people proselytising on videos would just say what they have to say and forget about all the wild hand gesturing.
Is there ever a stock market forecaster who doesn't say that times are more uncertain than normal? Ditto is there ever a US presidential election that isn't the most critical ever?
I like to start the day with Tom Scocca's Indignity morning podcast. Every day he looks askance at the NY Times front page. Really, they should hire him, except that he's a little too acerbic for the old lady. podcast.indignity.net
INDIGNITY MORNING PODCASTpodcast.indignity.net Tom Scocca reads you the newspaper.
Why do rich people buy sports teams?
Sometimes the free market doesn't provide the best solution. Similar to how baseball rules were changed to increase opportunities for fans to buy hot dogs, etc, to the detriment of the game.
Publishers have latched on to ebooks to deprive consumers of rights they enjoy for printed books -- the right conveyed by libraries lending books one at a time to consumers. 1/2 blog.archive.org/2024/04/19/i...
Internet Archive Stands Firm on Library Digital Rights in Final Brief of Hachette v. Internet Archive Lawsuit | Internet Archive Blogsblog.archive.org
Plus ca change. October 18th, 1953
Can anyone explain why LLMs keep needing more data to feed on? What's the incremental benefit of a new text?
The kind of language that gives academics a bad name
How egotistical do you have to be to have this reaction?