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housewife musician artisan bookworm furmom bipolar anxiety EDNOS gamer T2D & PTSD. WITH YOUR POWERS COMBINED I AM... A HOT MESS. I love everyone and everything and find everyone fascinating. Nice to meet you!
Hello bsky. I have been unwell. Kidney stones. Plural. Vomiting from pain is something i never want to experience again.
This is a long shot but is anyone reading this watching the X-Men 97 that's come out on Disney+ I watched it when I was a kid and I am so down for this cartoon right now. Right now... I cook my husband dinner and we binge watch X-Men. That's our dinner date. #xmen97
I accidentally went off my bipolar medicine because the pharmacy couldnt fill it in time and I forgot about it and they didn't tell me when it was actually filled. I was supposed to get a text message. So... I had a few days there... I don't know what happened honestly.
Beau gives free kisses! 😘 And hello bsky I haven't updated in a while.
Took my baby boy to the vet yesterday! He is very healthy and caught up on all his vaccines. A whooping 13lbs. My cat weighs more than my dog! 😂
So I am not allowed to even mention where my husband works because it's bad for business. Glad to know where I stand. I hope you see this too.
It actually dawned on my middle of this week that my symptoms were suggestive of ulcers. I don't know why I hadn't realized It before. It made perfect sense. And I was absolutely on target with my self diagnosis. Just didn't get how severe they are
But yeah they took photos of my many MANY ulcers. The one in my esophagus are long and run down the length of my esophagus basically. All around it. The ones in my stomach are smaller and trying to heal but since my stomach doesn't empty the stomach acid backs up to that level and well ya know
I have been told to alter my diet (which is basically nothing new) and to lay off caffeine which is kind of hard considering I am having chronic fatigue and exhaustion. I have been told to ask for a thyroid check now to make sure it isn't that.
So when they are all bleeding at once my iron gets lower. And I have anemia. Sometimes they get better and I just have low iron but not anemia. However there's still the fact that my iron doesn't stay in a Healthy range despite constantly taking iron supplements.
For anyone who was slightly paying attention: I finally got an endoscopy. I am literally riddled with ulcers in my esophagus and stomach. And they bleed off and on. That's why I have coffee ground poop every now and then.
I made a sticky note thing for my planner. I just take the ones I want. Sticky notes, page flags, etc and use double sided tape onto a piece of cardboard I have been collecting my favorite little sticky notes for years.
My Beau and me and my husband last Saturday on the way to Morehead, ky
I am half way done with Chuck Palahniuk's "adjustment day" and I have some feels but I wanna wait and see how it ends before I say much more about it. 💙📚
I stayed up and played with my travelers notebook random books I used scrapbook scissors on old cheap books that would've been thrown away. Some stationery paper and scrapbook quotes. I actually clipped the flower out of a magazine. I did each petal it was tedious but the result is great.
I have an endoscopy scheduled for Feb 9. I've needed one for over a year but I've had a lot more coffee grain type stool so we are going to get it done. Hate health care in America. Our insurance is supposed to be good and it's not even covering half of shit. we will be making payments for a while.
My little Beau sitting between my husband and I while we are snowed in, having lunch, and watching LotR.
My husband and I are marathoning Lord of the Rings today for our snowed in day. We have hot cocoa and everything.
I am from Alabama and we moved to Kentucky and I just drove in the snow LIKE A BOSS. The adrenaline rush was so Intense lmao
My dry erase planners I get from dollar tree make me so happy. 🫣😂
Copying my favorite quotes into my travelers notebook.
Happy holidays. For whatever you choose or don't choose to celebrate. Have A nice Yuletide season
I know he isn't a great person but his writing I love. Got a Barnes&Noble gift card. I'm catching up on new stuff I guess. "Adjustment Day" by chuck palahniuk. Not sure how his new stuff is but I started reading his stuff before fight club was a movie so. Partial to the old& have hope it's good. 💙📚
We gave Beau his Christmas Eve gift. Also here is a pic of us all. Hubby in the background being silly. I think we were in the car on our road trip.
The Alabama trip went well. Up until we crossed over into Tennessee. Road construction and traffic the whole time! Like... It was a nightmare. I am glad to be home. Have Xmas with hubby's mom tomorrow. See his cousin& his lady. I haven't had a chance to breathe since we left for Alabama last Friday
I got a travelers notebook for Christmas. And I have thrown the usual elastic system to the wind. I do what I want lol. Also my "inserts" are random sizes and I don't care. I love it!
The Ingolds are Alabama Bound for my family Christmas gathering tomorrow. Beau gets to meet his memaw and pawpaw for the first time. And the whole Reynolds tribe tomorrow (there's about 30 or 40 of us in the extended family gathering)
Avatar I messaged you on discord again about Stardew valley! I'm not sure where the best place to talk to you is. Would Instagram be better? Wish Bluesky had messaging. I don't have time to watch you stream but I'd love to stay in touch more. Especially about game journaling
Here is my baby boy Beau up close. His tears stains won't clean up and I am sad. We wipe his eyes and nothing comes off!