
Just fold the studio into Disney and kill it already. Make Toy Story sequels till the sun fucking burns out. Love how this shift conveniently happened when more woman/POC were really pushing to direct their own stories. Defining their experiences as not "universal" is saying the quiet part aloud.
A directors catharsis? You mean a HUMAN story? You mean an experience that might connect people of different backgrounds and make them realize we're all just people who share similar hopes and dreams? Just say "we don't want real stories we want to sell toys"
such coward shit. capitulating to the tantrums of manbabies and culture warriors.
Pretty fucking much!
Which is why they should indeed fold within Disney. The same Disney that saw fucking incels screeching after Star Wars Episode VIII ACTUALLY ATTEMPTED SOMETHING, ANYTHING But no, gotta listen to the fucking manbabies And so we got that IX slop that I don't even want to acknowledge
Episode 8 sucked. It made characters behave in ways that made no sense given how they had behaved before. The other points everyone is bringing up here I agree with.
They really did Luke and Han dirty.
That’s more a problem of making sequels decades after the original stories where all of the character growth that happened in between has to be crammed into a couple of flashbacks and lines of dialogue.
After Force Awakens, the Sequel trilogy had the ball dropped, narrative points choked, and inconsistently bad writing out the wazoo. Still agree with the rest of the points, however.