Paul Fricke

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Paul Fricke

Blood Orange comic • MCAD Comics prof • Alex Toth In Depth program host
Fred & Ginger gestures - dancing "Roberta"
Morning gesture warm-ups with Syd ‘n’ Fred
My fave cartoonist’s daughter, Dana Palmer & I get personal, on Alex Toth In Depth, to talk growing up Toth, reconnecting with him after a long estrangement - how she and her siblings intervened the last two years of his life, which she's chronicled in the insightful book, "My Father, My Faith.”
In Discussion with Dana Toth Palmer - Alex Toth In Depth Episode Alex Toth's daughter, Dana Palmer joins the program to talk about growing up Toth, her view of her dad and his work from her distinct perspective, and reconn...
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Jesse Hamm, 2019: "Rules are there to help express ideas, not vice versa. If a rule conflicts with your idea, ignore the rule. But most of the time, there is a way to accommodate both, using the rule to increase the drama and clarity of your idea. Look for that way."
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"Here, (Toth) took the trouble of inking "drama" lines around the head…that he later opted to black out. All in the service of the final effect."
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Jesse Hamm, 2018: "In his originals, we see Alex Toth ink underlying structural details (on the car, suits) that he later opts to black out, for lighting's sake. He draws through the structure, giving himself a framework, then puts on his "cinematographer" hat and obliterates the details as needed."
I return to Jason DeHart's Words, Images, & Worlds to talk about Alex Toth. Find the pod on your fave pod app or watch at…
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Avatar So excited this finally arrived & grateful this series is back in print. I missed these when the HC came out, but managed to read them through ILL a few years back, but now have all 3 volumes thanks to IDW Publishing! Every Toth or animation fan should have this!
End of feed.