anna gundlach

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anna gundlach

anna from crosswords
yes, i am fun at parties
love that there are all these articles that are like "fact checking Trump's rnc speech" when the guy insinuated he thinks the iron dome is a literal dome made of iron and he's gonna build one for the US in a Wisconsin shipyard
what if we just said fuck it as a country and held the election this upcoming Monday and put us all out of our fucking misery. just old yeller the electorate already fucking jesus christ
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Atlantia ‘98 | PC88
Sexually Suggestive
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one important thing that will hopefully help you maintain morale during all of this: you personally are so much hotter than donald trump, and all of the republicans, and they are so mad about it and that's why they act like babies. they can't handle how much hotter you are than them. remember that
lol this headline is like a 7 layer burrito of hearsay and couching a what-if behind insinuation
(joe biden pops his head out of a pink window on the set of "laugh in") "hawk it..... tuah me?"
I never know what is going on with this site anymore, I come here every once in a while and it is always day 8 of a 13 day argument and the context has ozymandiased itself into sand
don't get that norovirus everyone it's bruuuutal
nothing interesting happening today, guess I'm gonna go ahead and immanentize the eschaton
girlhood is a spectrum jojo siwa <--------------> mel c
"enjoy the camps" is "i identify as an attack helicopter" for centrists. one joke havers
these Baja Fiery Mango Flavored With Other Natural Flavors flavored Doritos are not great and i am still gonna crush this whole bag :(
it's going to be 103°F in Portland Oregon tomorrow
Google’s emissions are up 48% in 5 years. Microsoft’s are up 30% since 2020. Those soaring figures are being driven by mass investments in data centers to power AI tools. Generative AI is a climate disaster and data center expansion must be stopped.
Generative AI is a climate Tech companies are abandoning emissions pledges to chase AI market share
ok i'm trying to piece all this together after seeing the adams thing and it not making any sense but.... new york, did you not have.... trash cans? what is happening over there
Adult happiness is watching my wife play an imported beat game she really loves and getting the world score
hideo kojima just told me that in death stranding two there's gonna be a guy who has tech to gain unauthorized access to people's very DNA and can make all kinds of mutations happen, he's gonna be Gene Hackman
Quebec is like the Canada of Canada
popped over onto the discover tab and there's a ton of bts army posting going on now. the comrades have arrived
Reposted byAvatar anna gundlach
god damn everyone. the movie "first blood" is extremely good. all the other Rambo movies got the worst ideas about what was good about it, but "first blood" is really riding on one of those Springsteen "born on the 4th of july" misunderstandings. anyways what day is it?
for fucking real, rambo coming back with ptsd and just wanting a meal after finding out his boy died then getting mixed up with all this bullshit is A Message, american classic
femme4femme is a highly divine attraction, a holy love
christian sonic the hedgehog when lent starts: "gotta go fast"
not voting for president, but not voting for trump so the vote goes to biden
i wish youtubers were allowed to make videos that aren't 3 hours long
Reposted byAvatar anna gundlach
ok but what if kamala harris ran with george santos as her vp, i think they would have a chance, neither of them even has to have politics, just 8 years of non-sequiturs and lulzy surreal non-events
just found out that Billy Crystal is his government name. his birth name, even
bog body check it and see I got a body from 2000 bc
"Why I oughta ... !" - Joseph "Robinette" biden
they should invent a country that doesn't Suck