
I ♥️ all-black cats. I once had a big male black cat whose name was Jesus Cat because that's what my roommates and I inevitably said when he stropped against our legs, causing us to trip. I LOVED that cat; he was one tough MF.
They have such funny personalities. I had a black kitty in college that I rescued, but went to live with my roommate after college. His name was Gus, because I watched The Right Stuff about once a week.
Ahhh, Gus. You would've loved Jesus. We lived on the top floor of a loft building and he would climb up and perch on the exposed pipes, staring down at everyone, like Snoopy on his dog house. He likewise went with a roommate when she moved to SF because I'm very allergic, so I couldn't keep him.
First thing in the morning Jesus would get up on the dresser next to my bed and stare down at me until I woke up and fed him. Because he knew I wouldn't just roll over and go back to sleep because I didn't want him in bed with me because of the allergies.
Ahhh a tiny little terrorist 😂
OMG, he was such a terror. I loved that cat.