Paint Smith Miniatures (Comms Open)

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Paint Smith Miniatures (Comms Open)

He/Him painter of pretty models. Attempting to get my forge together so I can make pretty things in metal as well. Commissions are open.
Well I've finally got back into the studio and been able to spend some time with my toy soldiers. Making the last of my skellies and finishing off my Searforge before the Khymera arrive so I can run into games of Warmachine. #wargaming
Spent a little time making some more direwolves for my 4th ed AoS army (still got 10 to make for now). Hope they fix the companions issue because oh boy thats a massive fail.
No modelling at the weekend due to wedding and family visit. Have some home made nugs instead!
Oh here’s some claws for you… I can’t remember the name of the models but it’s one I really loved painting!
Claws, you say? One creepy set of claws in the sewer, practising ambushes, and then putting it into practice behind Officer Rowan. #Nerdlings
Not had anything new to post for a while, I have been absorbed by Eldenring Shadow of the erdtree and Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail. This is partly due to not studio access at all Have a little vamp for 4th Edition Age of Sigmar i painted a while back. #ageofsigmar #wargaming #WarhammerCommunity
This is another reminder to get out and vote. We can't have another tory government, hopefully if we can kick enough of them to the curb they won't even be opposition which would be lovely.
No Painting this weekend as this Elden Lord needs to go adventuring. Got Messmer down in just 6 tries with no summons. I don't know why everyone is complaining :D #shadowoftheerdtree #eldenring
I don't know what it is bit I can't wait to tear into it with some Spyrers. #necromunda #warhammer40k #wargaming #warhammercommmunity
Well my take on the `95 Malcadon Spyrer is officially finished. I didn't know where I was going with this scheme wise to start with but eventually settled on the trans pride flag. Inspired by #cerberusxt_figurines's gate keepers I decided to paint the other gang members in pride flags. #wargaming
Little bit of work on the Malcadon today between chores. Need to smooth out the claw transition but he's getting there. Still a ways to go though. #wargaming
Work continues on the suit of the Malcadon. I wasn't sure what colour to go for for the gauntlets and bits but I decided I quitejked the stark contrast of the white against the suit. #wargaming #warhammer40k #necromunda #spyrer #wip #miniturepainting
A small palette cleanser from the tyranids. Painting up a classic Spyrer Malcadon for myself after reading through the Aranthian Succession books again. I am extremely excited for secundus and the return of the Spyrers. #wargaming #necromunda #wip #warhammer40k
80 years ago a couple of hundred thousand soldiers stormed the beaches of Normandy to tell fascists to get fucked in the most emphatic way possible. To commemorate this, tell a fascist to get fucked today. It’s literally what they would’ve wanted.
Well thats the Neurothrope done for the unit. He's a little less rudolf and all kinds of gribbly. Feel like my mojo is back. #warhammer40k #tyranids #warhammercommmunity #wargaming #miniturepainting
Well I don't know if Cara will pick up but if it does here I am.
Making vegan nugs for the pathfinder game tonight. I'm playing a Kashrishi Miner metal Kinetasist so this is me providing the party with some golden nuggets. #Pathfinder
Whats that? You have another project before finishing you other 16? Picked up some old school spyrers to paint up. Loved these guys and the terror they brought to the underhive. Will be getting the new models as well down the line but nostalgia got the better of me. #oldhammer
Well doing some more work on the carapace and I realise I've made rudolf the red nosed tyranid. #wargaming
Getting back onto my Nids today. Work continues with the Zonethropes. Starting to not just look like blobs of colour. Will be happy when they are off the desk. #Warhammer
Well a new job and hobby block has led to no real work on anything for a fair while. But I'm slowly starting to feel the itch in my painting hand again. I decided to work on something a little smaller and repair the Magos I converted a few years ago after he was dropped and broke. #wargaming
Painting starts on the next unit, I wanted a little bit of extra firepower. Who doesn’t love the old floaty bugs. #wargaming #warhammercommunity #warhammer40k #tyranids
The swarm hungers, the swarm grows, the swarm also can not sleep so it’s back to painting and finishing of this batch of Gants. Have an updated group shot. At least I got to watch the Adeptacon reveals, I wonder if you can tell which one I’m prepping for? #warhammercommunity #wargaming #tyranids
These guys still need the bases finished and then a varnish but they are 99% done. Ready to move away from Gants for a little while, what’s on your hobby desk atm #wargaming? #warhammer40k #warhammercommunity #tyranids #hivefleet #hivefleetxanthous #wipwednesday
Little bit of progress today, slowly slowly and I’ll have a complete force in 2027! #wargaming #warhammer40k #tyranids
Bases and gribbly bits was on the desk tonight and adding some power to my army. Gonna be nice to take my time after painting up the horde. #warhammercommunity #warhammer40k #tyranids #miniaturepainting
There I was quietly putting brush to model when suddenly the biotitan attacked. He only stepped into the wet palette once (thankfully not an area with paint) but I was finding random cat hairs everywhere 😅 #warhammercommunity do your bio titans take an interest?
Where we are and where we are headed, finished the carapace for the Gants. Nice simple wipwednesday today #warhammer40k #warhammercommunity #wipwednesday #nids #tyranids
Well FF7 rebirth has released it’s hold on me a little (end of the game and doing some zone clearance, man what a game). I thought I should start up on some batch painting of my nids, painting 5 Gants in between more interesting units. #wargaming #warhammer40k #warhammercommunity #tyranids
Rippers charging a firstborn, I always forget how large they are against non nid models.