
New CBS poll: "Nationwide, Republicans are more likely than Democrats to say they will definitely turn out in 2024. And Republicans currently have a similarly sized turnout advantage across the battleground states, undergirding Trump's edge with likely voters there."
Trump gets edge over Biden nationally and across battlegrounds after debate as Democrats' turnout in question — CBS News Following debate, age factors in, and race shifts in Trump's direction after the first 2024 presidential debate.
Starting to consider that maybe Team Biden is trying to tank the election for Democrats intentionally. How can you be this far behind, this low in polls, and call concerned Americans bedwetters.
Did you notice the glaring omission in that survey? Not a single question about the most important issue facing the largest voting bloc in the nation was asked. Women are 51% of the electorate and 85% of Americans support abortion. This election is not about Biden's age.