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Pal, Pili, or Påljus. Queer ADHD one-wolf DE&I campaign. 31, UK, they/he/surprise me.
Cries easily and doesn't know why. Have a go by telling me about music or game design that you like 👍🏽
Coming up with ideas for my next larp 🌿
Thanks to my brother, sister, and lion (@vanix.me) for shuttling me in my half-disabled state to the middle of a very rainy field to see Mika, also Sammy Rae and The Friends whom my sister stans hard 🩵 I am as physically exhausted as I am happy.
The GP explained that no one thing is wrong with me and I'm mostly healthy... Instead three different "mostly healthy" things have teamed up to give me a physically weak body that doesn't want to do anything except sleep 12-15 hours a day 👍🏽 At least we have a way forward 😅
I've never experienced one of those "speech jammer" things, but my body has decided that fully-blocked ears are in vogue. My internal acoustics are fucking up thoughts and words alike.
Last night we went to the strangest cinema to watch The Rocky Horror Picture Show and it was excellent. Chill community atmosphere, old squishy armchairs, pick'n'mix they trusted you with. I also just about understood the plot this time, so @drkuro.bsky.social is proud of me ☺️
Saw a tiger today 🐅 Didn't know we had tigers in London 👍🏽 #zoonights
Reposted byAvatar Pili
Anyway, go make art that causes conservatives to have another moral panic attack. It's an absolute ethical positive. You literally can't go wrong, especially if what you're making is erotic, pornographic, disturbing, queer, or embraces non-white cultures.
Snufkin + Sigur Rós. I might just spend the whole time playing the Moomin game crying 😭 Good choice @vanix.me 😅
Reposted byAvatar Pili
Something you need to learn as a queer person is that you aren't going to die from secondhand cringe. It's fine if people use weird new pronouns or invent new flags you think are goofy, as long as nobody is violating first principles. Innoculate yourself against getting brainworms over the kids.
While the aurora was "visible", I tried telling a passer-by to look at the sky (because it was purple, but only through your phone camera) and they clearly thought I was mad.
Tonight, somehow, we had aurora in the south of the UK? I say saw, it was barely visible to the naked eye, my phone picked it up much better. Thank you @vanix.me for yelling "wtf there's an aurora outside"
I think the reason we have citric acid is for cooking? It came from his "mystery white powders" cupboard in the kitchen, and I've never seen him manufacture drugs or dispose of a body. Sodium citrate makes a killer mac'n'cheese though, for all of us not blessed with American Processed Slices 👌🏽
I wanted to descale the kettle, and limescale remover wasn't doing it. Kudos to @drkuro.bsky.social, the ultimate #sciencehusband for pulling a jar of citric acid out of nowhere and saying "boil this" The kettle is *shiny inside* now. I've never had a kettle that was shiny!
The lighting at the venue for Cosmo Sheldrake has me expecting Sam Lake to give me a gruff monologue as a weary detective.
Lexi really likes that we now have a garden she can see me from when I'm working 🩵
Everyone I'm sat with is now debating which of us are the pantsless cheese-thieves, and also whether we're going US or UK with the pants definition.
Does anyone else spend their time at the cinema constantly needing to pee with a false urgency they never experience anywhere else?
3600 people yelling "Hoot! Growl! Hoot! Growl!" in unison is a strong vibe 🩵
The Dimension 20 audience are as nerdy and queer as I expected, but also smell so much cleaner than I'm used to for an RPG crowd. Go us!
Today's lesson: never offer your guests "loose mozzarella"
Alan Wake 2 has got me wanting fancier mop heads to deal with the shadowy curse of our parquet flooring. Thanks Ahti 🩵
I've been hyper aware of my breathing recently, which is good because I don't generally have any physical or emotional self-awareness. On the other hand I've been really quick to panic, which tend to be a self-fulfilling prophecy. On the other hand we've *moved house* and now just need to fix it 🤞🏽
Apparently our ISP need to disconnect our current address "the day before" they connect our new address. They picked 00:09 on that "day before" and we're unimpressed 🍃
Lexi spent all of dinner investigating our chips, only to refuse the chip-based call-to-adventure when it arrived.
Google Ads make me feel like the AI apocalypse will be a bland death by ineptitude. When you hit "close ad" and give the reason "ad covered content", they replace it with a blank white ad that still covers the content. C'mon, guys. You even leave your logo so we know you somehow thought about this.
Submissions for The Smoke 2025 have opened already!? Maybe don't open conversation unless you're ready for me to sort out my sci-fi larp takes on representing the neurodivergent experience of the modern British school system...I don't have a working laptop rn so I have to talk it all out instead 😅
I got myself a new disc that I'll probably never use, because it was on sale and sung to me with visual appeal. It's too fast for me to throw well (speed 12, I can barely use my 8) but it's also too pretty to throw and scuff up, so that works for me 😊
Today involved a fun chat with HR in which they basically went "Do you know how to support ADHD & depression/anxiety? 'Cause we don't, and occupational health don't either..." I did the patented "drop all defenses and be likeably chaotic" and I think they at least understand how hard I'm trying 🙏🏽
It's not that I have low expectations for Lidl, but when the bottled spring water said it was suitable for vegans and vegetarians a small part of me *did* feel reassured.
Disc Golf and Dildos both feature fancy coloured silicone rubber, anthropomorphic names and branding, and numeric stats people can agonise over in forums. When I say I can't find my bright red and gold dragon, I'm not being specific enough. (my fluorescent yellow roc is the only disc I trust)
My husband says this is the first ever photo of our dog in which she is Not Photogenic. Reasons given: - small tongue - eyes closed - blurry - disheveled tufts