
When I was a teenager, I organized a protest with a couple of friends after Michael Griffith was killed in Howard Beach. Almost no one showed up. I think we had 6 people [including us 3 organizers]. I was crushed. I cried to my dad & he asked: "what did you say to the three people who joined you?"
I said: "we apologized that more people weren't present." He said: "that's too bad. perhaps it would have been better if you'd thanked them for coming, gotten their information, and invited them to your next event." I was so furious with him. What UNHELPFUL ADVICE! Couldn't he see how upset I was
He could see how upset I was so he broke it down plainly: Why did you make this all about yourself and how you felt? You missed out on the chance to focus on the people who were right in front of you. Three of them who you could have recruited to join you. We always need more people.
And that's why I always say: "we need more people." I never forgot that lesson. My dad was right about appreciating the people who do show up even if it's one person and also about being less self-involved so that you can appreciate what is actually right in front of you.
Such an important lesson for organizing, and also for life in general. Thank you for writing.