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Me: I wish for leaders who genuinely care about people and act in their best interest. Genie: infinite wishes you say? Fine have fun bye
Since the rest of the continent is resolutely steering towards the far right, it would be surprising if the Brits took anything else but a left turn 🤔
"ChatGPT is making office workers more productive" in 2024 sounds to me like "Paint is making artists more creative" in 1996.
CV at 25: I used excel once and can burp the alphabet. Make me your CEO loser CV at 40: sorry to interrupt would you have a minute to maybe consider me for a role that I have 15 years of relevant experience for at 6 different companies while raising 3 kids at any time of your convenience
I feel kinda bad for the PM who's asked to assess and present the consequences of 1/ Google excluding satirical sites from their LLM or 2/ encouraging people to eat glue and rocks. That pros and cons table must be priceless though.
Saturday 9:00 10 years ago: had a good sleep, morning sex, looking forward 2 days full of adventures. Saturday 9:00 today: "will you two stop fighting and yelling it's been hours already", looking forward to Monday.
The great thing about about having small kids is that when you're done with a day full of meetings and workshops and whatnots you can always count on relaxing times at home like spending an hour combing hair with lice.
I know humans are safe from machines taking over because even the fastest supercomputer can't handle my kids number of requests per second.
Will it be the year of tattoed bros, a hot chick, Norwegians, weed-dealers-turned-song-writers ...? The suspense is killing me #Melodifestivalen
This uncannily resonates with most of my projects. As a result I also usually react like the lead singer in the music video.
First follower here. Off to a good start I guess?
End of feed.