
Scarlett Johansson has dealt with deepfakes, robots in her likeness, and now OpenAI mimicking her voice because she wouldn’t license it. She’s used to fighting these battles. The spotlight she casts on generative AI may finally prompt regulatory action.
Scarlett Johansson can’t escape tech OpenAI grabbing her voice is just the latest scandal that demands a regulatory response
The sheer hubris to steal the voice of a woman who sued the most litigious company known to man and won.
At lease the robot story was funny in the context of the "why would a Japanese robot look like a westerner" discourse weeks before, this is just another example on how the "move fast and break things" mentality in tech should have been killed off immidiately.
Tech is not necessarily progress. Tech is great for disabled persons, but it can disable the non-disabled.
i think open ai flew a bit too close to the sun on this one