
A good example of why it’s harmful to human society to act like tech people know everything and give them the power to make antisocial decisions that affect virtually everyone. Not everything should be targeted for digitization, let alone automation.
In an interview, OpenAI CTO Mira Murati says "some creative jobs maybe will go away" due to AI, "but maybe they shouldn't have been there in the first place" (Kate Irwin/PCMag) Main Link | Techmeme Permalink
We need to stop letting corporations tell us what society needs. This is the goal of AI and progressives. As the quarantine showed, most jobs are unessential and merely created to make rich men richer. Everyone should celebrate every time one of these jobs is automated.
She’s a CTO. When she thinks “creative jobs,” she likely means writing PR excuses for the next time her app tells people to eat a death’s cap mushroom
Elon Musk had grandfather who believed in salvation through science and tech/nology.
I guarantee that guy sucked too
And we need people to stop being so willing to “believe” in anything and everything