
You know, it will never make sense to have “make your opponents cry” as the sum total of your politics (for one thing, it yields the initiative) - but it’s definitely *one part* of politics, and one that Democrats ignore at their peril. 1/
First, if the opposition’s goals are truly despicable, as with MAGA / Project 2025 targeting of immigrants, women, racial and religious minorities, LGBTQ people, etc, then it is appropriate to wish them disappointed. There is no need to apologize for wanting their defeat. 2/
We should not expect the end goal of politics to be some sort of “kumbaya” state where everyone gets along in perfect harmony, with no more disagreements about the nature of justice, or apportionment of wealth, or distribution of power. 3/
As long as these disagreements persist, there will be some tears. Better on your side than ours! 4/
Second, as MAGA have been demonstrating every day for nine years, it works to rile up the base, and base enthusiasm is a powerful political tool. Democrats, and Dem political leaders, should take better advantage of this tool. Think “Dark Brandon” vs “No Drama Obama.” 5/
Finally, aggressive attitudes are an appropriate part of self-defense. They aim to cause Lib tears; we aim to cause MAGA tears. That’s just the nature of a fight, and again, there should be no need to apologize for defending our interests, and our constituents. 6/6
Agree w/ all. And, btw, no reason to tolerate dispicable behavior from your MAGA relatives. If you wouldn't tolerate it from anyone else, don't tolerate it from them.
When meeting people where they are, there are certainly worse places to start from than “Fuck those guys”