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🏳️‍⚧️ Trans M to F (pre-transition) • She/Her • Pansexual/Panromantic • Switch • Furry • 22 • Streamer • Artist • ADHD • Pup Girl •⚠️WARNING: Highly Flirtatious, Possible Lewdness 🔞
Trying to get back into VRChat a lil in hopes I can hang out with friends more and get my social life back on track. Been in a mental tight spot for the past couple of months struggling to be active (low socail battery). With my anxiety being a major contributing factor in this.
Really enjoyed attending Fort Lauderdale Wilton Manors Stonewall pride event it was an absolute blast! Would have posted early but I was soooo worn out afterwards 😅 It was really refreshing getting to be around so many amazing members and allies of the LGBTQ+ community/family.
As an artist myself I still try and support fellow artist. Even if it means making a simple commission from another artist because something as simple as even a like, comment, repost or small commission makes all the difference to alot of artist.
You ever struggle to grasp the feeling of having a place you can truly and deeply call home? Been kinda feeling like that alot lately as my life slowly has been getting busier. Sorry if this post is on a little bit of a more down note than I usually post.
Perfection may not truly exist, but you certainly are all so amazing and wonderful ❤️. I know it can be hard sometimes to stay positive or have a positive self image but your more than amazing enough for this world.
As a transwoman who struggles with gender dysphoria ALOT I often get depressed and feel like I'm not in my own body. Like I honestly really wish sometimes I wasn't born in this current body of mine cuz of this. I know I'm valid and everything but just sometimes is hard to believe it all.
Got a new job recently still been feeling with that new job anxiety (anxiety: social and confidence wise). Worried that I'll mess up even though they are giving me plenty of training. I'm sure I'll get the hang of it though it's a matter of time. Plus this job will definitely really help me out.
You all know that this is true! Don't you dare deny it :3
Deny it all you want its reality!
Do you personally think that "Cis" is a slur?
Society truly does feel like this still nowadays. . . Feels like if your NOT a straight white cis heterosexual man of God with money that society just doesn't want to treat you fairly or equally.
I have returned after my small break from Bluesky (originally went on a break cuz of rising drama on this platform). Hope you all have been doing okay! 💜
If anyone is wondering why I'm less active at the moment on media. It's because of some on going drama and events that have been going on across media platforms that I don't wish to involve myself in. I will still post and will resume my regular posting as these drama and events die down.
Life is an eternity of evolution and change all about how we take in that change and are willing to accept that change and how we are able to apply it to our own lives to become better and stronger people!
So Tik Tok is supposedly in the process of getting banned in the USA. Like the moment the people finally have an uncensored platform to express themselves on and be open with about information these politicians have to come in and take it away or some big Corp buys it out.
Remember you don't know that you truly like or dislike something unless you try it!
My fellow Furries! May I present to you? . . . Cerberus! Who's gonna comp the battle pass and grind for them? Credit for pictures goes to Fortnite by Epic Games #FortniteChapter5Season2 #Fortnite #Cerberus #FortniteBattlePass
Life's change here in the USA it's gone from survive to work to work to survive. With most Americans living barely paycheck to paycheck and able to afford proper groceries or medical services essential for survival
The amount of AI art/AI generated images being used around media and advertising is absolutely sickening. Why not support a real artist!?
Don't forget to be yourself today! The real you is wonderful and unique 💜
My (gender) dysphoria has been a bitch lately... I try my best to stay positive and project a good body image for myself but it just hasn't been working as much as it used to. The more time that passes to the worse it seems to get.
Anyone else think these gummies look like something other than lighthouses...
Sexually Suggestive
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
My favorite Thanos qoute that definitely reflects some of our reality today. "As long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be." - Thanos
Here to remind you all it okay to be who you are 💜. The real you is absolutely amazing and unique!
Random person / friend: what do you do when your depressed and don't know what to do? Me: I lay down, listen to lofi, and snuggle / surround myself by my stuffed animals / plushies, and try not to focus on what's making me depressed!
There will always be a time were those who will not like what you have to say, who will not allow you to be you. Do you know why? Because when you are being you as fully as you can be, ⬇️💬
I use that emoji (🥹) alot LOL guess I'm a bottom 🤷‍♀️
we're bottom posting again I see