
Nunsense & Shenunigans
Nunsense & Shenunigans
You might know me as Sister Margaretta from the Sound of Music

"If equal affection cannot be
let the more liking one be me"
Twitt: @annaleehqbeta
Post: @annaleehq
Ph: (202) 224-3121
Please give my secretary your zip code
A 62y old programmer at a big automation company in Sweden, dislikes censorship, woke, climate nuts and other activists. I read a lot of books, at the moment a lot of LITRPG but I read all kinds of stuff. Certain amounts of sarcasm may be detected
Tech, politics and trash with the odd space game . Liberal 🔶 No LGB without the T.
@dantechnik on any other platform I’m on including the Musk shit show.
Yuki Yuki
Yuki Yuki
Dave Porter 🇪🇺🔸🌈 🐈
Dave Porter 🇪🇺🔸🌈 🐈
European, Dancer, Ceramicist, Bird watcher, Rust programmer, Python programmer, MBTI = INTP-A, Views are my own. @[email protected]. DMs by invitation only.
Woke. Tory-avoidant. Value fairness, kindness and laughter. Cornishmaid. I think I’m Granny Weatherwax but I’m really Nanny Ogg.
Andrew Cooper
Andrew Cooper
Older bloke from Nottingham. Politically closer to the left than the right. Likes (in no particular order) cats; roots reggae; woodworking; dad jokes. I'm very sociable unless you're a fascist. Proud MDant.
BritsAgainstBrexit 🇪🇺🇺🇦🇪🇭✌#FBPE
BritsAgainstBrexit 🇪🇺🇺🇦🇪🇭✌#FBPE
They're gone at last. Time to #rejoin. Time to prosecute #ToryCorruption.
#European always.
UK🫤 & Austria-5630😁
#FBPE. I despise fascism. Fan of History, Science, Music, Tech. Etymology, Languages and 'wokeness'. Privileged to be exposed to the insights of the many great people on Bluesky.
Dirk Pott
Dirk Pott
Marion Sacharin
Marion Sacharin
University lecturer. Software developer. I just want to help make the world a better, kinder, safer place.
Affirml Health | Wealth | Selfelevation . Messages From The Universe Spiritual Awakening Universe Guidance Sending Healing Energy FOLLOW THE LIGHT✨
Duchess Gemma aka Ms Tonks 🐠🕷️🇪🇺
Duchess Gemma aka Ms Tonks 🐠🕷️🇪🇺
"woke" “lefty” socialist, proudly resisting the Tories, Anti-Racist, Pro-EU, against prejudice/bigotry. "When Injustice becomes Law, Resistance becomes a duty"
Retired, woke and grumpy Scot living in the beautiful Scottish Borders with my husband.
SNP member and a socialist.
Pro EU. Pro Scottish independence (obviously).
Dual citizenship.
''We must stop eating!” cried Toad as he ate another'

Interested in climate action, NZ politics, climate justice, biodiversity, urban design, indigenous environmentalism, spaces for people, urbanism, public transport, walking, cycling #toitutetiriti
David Horton
David Horton
Scientist, writer, atheist. Photo - childhood home and dog
Ginninderra Press memoir (
Creative guy exiled in East Anglia. Better at cooking than designing!
Andrew S. 🇪🇺 💙 🇺🇦 🌈
Andrew S. 🇪🇺 💙 🇺🇦 🌈
Tech communicator/carer, beer, literature (sf/f/h), astronomy, homebrew, @rushtheband fan. #RejoinEU #FBPE #MaskUp @[email protected] @irr_orbit on Twitter
Queen Bitch ⚡💥💫
Queen Bitch ⚡💥💫
In my frock coat and bipperty-bopperty hat.
Mark Chadbourn
Mark Chadbourn
📖Sunday Times bestselling author, 📺TV screenwriter, 📇journalist at Guardian, Times, Independent. 📶Economist. ✂️Runs with scissors. LDN, NYC, LA for contact, agents etc
Will Thompson
Will Thompson
Atheist. Humanist. Idiot. Woke lefty and citizen of nowhere. Immigrant. YNWA.
Noman khan (Web Developer)
Noman khan (Web Developer)
Hello dear,
I am a noman, Web developer websites design 4 Years
Good community, 7/24 support your site contract
Blogger, Londoner, socialist, pacifist, uber-lefty, video gamer, and Gozer Worshipper. Currently playing Far Cry 3.

Feck bigots, LGBTQIA+ Lives Matter. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

Go woke or go broke. 👍

Bluesky Elder.
Acieed Ed
Acieed Ed
acid house, books, philosophy, étudiant français, coding, father of 3
Jannene 💋I’m from Manchester.🥀
Jannene 💋I’m from Manchester.🥀
Love life- just me 🦋some of the good morning pictures are not mine, some are, the garden flowers are mine🌸🌼🌹🪻🌺
Dave Hutchinson
Dave Hutchinson
the littl shynin man the Addom, he runs in the wud
Minnie’s mum
Minnie’s mum
Climate. Clean air. Social housing. Tax the rich. Better things are possible. #auspol
Fact bytes
Fact bytes
Most interesting #facts 📚 on Bluesky 😇
Cat Guy
Get Me Zarniwoop
Get Me Zarniwoop
Atmospheric Physics PhD, working in IT during the day, climate intervention in the evening. Centre-left, green, parent, songwriter, joiner of dots. #RejoinEU #ClimateEmergency. Edinburgh, UK. Normally FB
Cat lover from Twitter. I'm hoping to see all my pals and followers here😺!
Through the looking glass
Through the looking glass
If it can’t be reduced, reused, repaired, rebuilt, refurbished, refinished, resold, recycled or composted, then it should be restricted, redesigned or removed from production.
Productivity Directory
Productivity Directory
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