Get Me Zarniwoop

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Get Me Zarniwoop

Atmospheric Physics PhD, working in IT during the day, climate intervention in the evening. Centre-left, green, parent, songwriter, joiner of dots. #RejoinEU #ClimateEmergency. Edinburgh, UK. Normally FB
Loved that from Chris Mason on BBC News at 10: "At Number 10, change is in the air; and [Sunak's] chest of drawers ... is in the van."
More than 400,000 people were denied a vote in the UK General Election because of the Tories’ voter suppression, mainly from ethnic minority groups. This needs to be tackled immediately.
Voter ID rule may have stopped 400,000 taking part in UK election, poll Exclusive: 3.2% of those surveyed say they were turned away at least once, with minority ethnic people worse affected
Blimey the Tories love to cheat people
More than 400,000 people were denied a vote in the UK General Election because of the Tories’ voter suppression, mainly from ethnic minority groups. This needs to be tackled immediately.
Voter ID rule may have stopped 400,000 taking part in UK election, poll Exclusive: 3.2% of those surveyed say they were turned away at least once, with minority ethnic people worse affected
Data released by Copernicus Climate shows: 📈 June 2024 was the warmest June on record 📈 The global average temperature for the last 12 months is the highest on record, 1.64ºC above pre-industrial 🌡️ 15th months that SST has been the warmest on record More: 🧪⚒️
Colleague in Kyiv saying a children's oncology centre near where lives, has just been destroyed by Russia
"IPCC found 1.5C will kill off 70-90% of tropical coral reefs, while 2C will wipe them out ... 3/4 [of IPCC authors] expect at least 2.5C by 2100, half >3.0C The increments ... can mean difference between widespread human suffering and 'semi-dystopian' futures"
Temperatures 1.5C above pre-industrial era average for 12 months, data Copernicus Climate Change Service says results a ‘large and continuing shift’ in the climate
"part of the new govt’s plan to reset relations with the EU and bring 'an end to the Brexit era' ... the pact would see UK work more closely with [EU] on a slew of areas related to security, ideally without need for a legally binding deal, which could take years"
Labour to seek joint declaration with EU on wide-ranging security Exclusive: Foreign secretary says deal would allow UK work more closely with bloc on issues such as defence and energy
Gareth Southgate's international tournament record as England head coach: 2018 - semi final 2021 - final 2022 - semi-final 2024 - semi-final (at least)
One of Keir Starmer’s first tasks was to call President Zelenskyy and reaffirm the UK’s “unswerving support for Ukraine”.
‘Starmer scraps Rwanda policy’ But I was told Starmer’s Labour and the Tories are the same. It’s almost as if anyone saying that is some kind of cretinous buffoon, so emotionally hung up on not getting their precisely exact perfect version of Labour, they dismiss anything else as being Tory. Huh.
Vallance as Science Minister as well as Timpson as Prisons & Probation Minister. Creating a government that wants to govern, rather than one that wants to rule.
Pinched from threads, and really good to see ministers being appointed according to their knowledge/skill set, and to jobs they should actually be able to do
When the bar has been set so low for so long, it’s almost giddying to have credible, experienced, serious people in cabinet and to be spoken to with respect and understanding. Clearly, that’s the least we deserve. Right now it feels transformational.
Google’s emissions are up 48% in 5 years. Microsoft’s are up 30% since 2020. Those soaring figures are being driven by mass investments in data centers to power AI tools. Generative AI is a climate disaster and data center expansion must be stopped.
Generative AI is a climate Tech companies are abandoning emissions pledges to chase AI market share
France's far-right National Rally party's figurehead Marine Le Pen says if her party's prime minister is in power, they would "prevent Ukraine from using French-supplied long-range weapons to strike inside Russia."
Excellent speech by Keir Starmer. He is the anti-Johnson 👏
Lovely to see Kier Starmer shaking hands, hugging & thanking his supporters as he walks up to 10 Downing Street for his speech. #GeneralElection2024 #GE2024
This from on the other place can’t be said often or loudly enough. It’s why ideological purity on the left makes me grind my teeth to dust
'In her statement, Disney said vice-president Kamala Harris could be an alternative candidate to beat Trump. 'If Democrats would tolerate any of her perceived shortcomings even one tenth as much as they have tolerated Biden’s … we can win this election by a lot'"
Disney heir joins other Democrat backers to pause donations until Joe Biden steps Abigail Disney says choice to suspend donations is based on ‘realism, not disrespect’, and suggests Kamala Harris as an alternative
Reform was telling everyone they’d won Yvette Cooper’s seat. She won it with a 7k majority #UKGE2024
The Green Party now has 4 seats, the same number as Reform. I wonder who will get more TV coverage.
I want to throw up Fartrage has won
Exit poll said Reform 91% likely to win Hartlepool. They only got half Labour's votes 😬
Hartlepool result: LAB GAIN Jonathan Brash (Lab) - 16,414 Tommy Dudley (WPoB) - 248 Sam Lee (Ind) - 895 Peter Maughan (LD) - 572 Jill Mortimer (Con) - 7,767 Amanda Napper (Ref) - 8,716 Vivienne Neville (Her) - 65 Jeremy Spyby-Steanson (Grn) - 834 #UKGE2024
Can we put the exit poll aside and start again? #UKGE2024
George Galloway has lost in Rochdale 👏
Gary Gibbon on Channel 4, following both Barnsley seats going to Labour: "It's not unthinkable Reform could be as low as one seat" Still one too many, but MUCH better than the 13 indicated by the exit poll 🙏
Lots of things to like about the Channel 4 election coverage, but why do we have to suffer four former senior Tory ministers on the panel, balanced by only two Labour people? 🤷‍♂️ TBF Kwarteng so-far coming across as a reasonably rational and half-decent human being. Not so Dorries 🤪