
☀️Hello BlueSky!☀️ We're so excited to be joining you all on this platform. For those who don't know, we're PathsinPub, a scholarly publishing mentorship program. We offer job advice, mock interviews, resume reviews & more. Visit our website at ...for the forks in the road Sign up for our newsletter here! Have ideas for the program? Submit them here Paths in Publishing (PIP) is a free mentorship program to help prepare early career applicant...
Founded in Jan 2022 by & Allegra Martschenko, we aim to provide scholarly pub job advice, esp for people without preexisting networks. By offering anonymity, we want people feel empowered to ask our mentors questions and get job materials reviewed.
If you don't have your own network, use us! Our mentors come from many university presses (you can read more about the mentors on the website) and hope to make you stand out in your job apps + help you navigate raises, negotiations, promotions, etc.
We know that marginalized candidates often lack the industry/mentor connections to get into the field AND STAY IN IT, and hope to launch specific programming to target BIPOC/LGBTQ/DIS people as they navigate their early career.
Since our creation in 2022, we have launched some really exciting programs (PAGES book club, the PIPcast podcast, and the UP pay database) to help demystify the publishing industry for early career folk, and help foster connection between publishing professionals across the industry.
Your support is much appreciated, and we hope to be of service whenever you hit those forks in the road during your early career. 🥳 Talk soon!