Patrick Leder

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Patrick Leder

Owner and CEO of Leder Games. Father of 2 adorable humans. He/Him
Earlier today I stayed home from work to watch my son while my wife and daughter ran to a doctor's appointment. He went to his room and brought out some flash cards. He set them up around him and then told me he was playing Balatro. He then started showing me the rare jokers.
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Gen Con is just two weeks away! We're busy making last-minute preparations, and can't wait to see you there. We will have limited stock of the Arcs base game, Leaders & Lore, and the Minis pack available for purchase. Get hyped!
The hotel scammers that plague the PAX conventions have already started calling for PAXU. Neat.
I forgot to do it yesterday which I actually take as a good sign. Just your annual reminder that mental health care is health care. Take is seriously. You will be missed. #SuicideAwareness
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In today's designer diary, I talk about how games harden over the course of development and how the new Oath expansion aims to recapture some of its lost plasticity.
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Somehow I stacked up three writing assignments into my week. I used to love writing but I'm so out of practice with it, I feel like I'm trying to fix an outlet with a sledge hammer.
I don't know what is wrong with me. It just popped into my head on the way to work.
I hope you are all having a good evening. May your journey make you stronger, wiser, or at least more weird.
Can I run Vecna: Eve of Ruin in DCC? Is anyone going to stop me?
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Huh, weird. I wanted to test how fast sailfish are compared to humans, so I put 100 sailfish in the Boston Marathon. Despite recorded speeds of close to 70 mph, no fish won the race. Astonishingly, not a single fish even finished! They just flopped awkwardly around the starting line and then died.
ChatGPT fails at heart risk <p>Despite ChatGPT&rsquo;s reported ability to pass medical exams, new research indicates it would be unwise to rely on it for some health assessments, such as whether a patient with chest pain needs ...
When the only safety tool you have against bad ads is being used to spam you. Neat. This is on Twitter btw not here.
This is Patrick Leder live. Today we are doing the rewrite game rules without starting in a new document challenge. But probably not actually.
Last night we were analyzing our characters for Tales From The Loop and I realized a friend was just playing a nerd. Jokingly it was the first time I have accused someone of cheating during an RPG.
Left the office late tonight as we had a party to welcome our newest employee. Leder Games will be up to 17 employees (plus our summer intern) soon, and I am so proud of the work we have done to build this great place. I can't believe I get to do this for a living.
Last night, I had a dream that I sold stock in the company's immediate future projects to the tune of 64,000,000, so get ready for that energy Leder Games employees.
Getting that cracked tooth fixed today.
I'm looking bad ass while at a tea service
New ending for Opus just dropped.
I'm fine. But game design can be hard sometimes.
My spouse sent me these adorable photos from the dog's daycare.
Getting ready for tonight's game.
My son has been calling this character Monkey Dong and I have been dealing with it maturely. Please think of my family during this time of crisis.
I eschew modernism and embrace tradition. I do my stretches and strength training the traditional way. From a YouTube video in my basement while a dog is ramming a toy in my face and my 4 year old son is standing a few feet from me, roasting me for shivering.
Played some Thunder Road Vendetta today in the office. It is still pretty cool, you should seek out it's KS right now and decide if it is something you want in your life.
That tight feeling in your sphincter when you kill an Abomination for your final objective in a Deep Dive and there is an Opressor at the landing site. Rock and Stone.
I lost by one door. I had to burn 2 keys in weird ways and I am pretty sure that was it. Tower was complete and all of the Lost Dreams were in the right spot. Grim.
I took a break to parent. Without the red cards, the Door to the Oniverse still closed, the tower incomplete, and only a third of the deck left it is looking pretty grim. But I only have 1 nightmare left, and a dream catcher is containing it for now. So who knows?