
First of all, that’s the best house a Supreme Court judge can do? A brick-faced, vinyl siding shit box? Literally the architectural mullet of mediocre suburban mid-90’s design? He can’t do better than that? And that “flag pole”, what is that? A fucking telescoping pool skimmer stuck in the ground?!
And why is their fence all rickety and shit? They got money they can fix it! And that sad fucking willow tree, nobody is buying it man, that thing is as dead as your relationship with your kids! No amount of underlighting it gonna bring that back to life, you’re just humiliating it at night now.
I got a nicer place than this and I’m a fucking nobody, this guy is ON THE FUCKING SUPREME COURT!
Oh my god is that a front facing garage with shitty glued-on fake black hinges? BRO. You’re on THE SUPREME COURT. you can afford a place with a real carriage house conversion.
Thoughts echo'd. I mean, this has to be the guest house or something, right? That's the only doubt I have on this story...this is mid-income suburban housing at best. Maybe inside is gorgeous and he's just facading his side-income?
and the picture was rotated to make the "flagpole" look more or less plumb, which makes the house look like it should be condemned