
I guess this is a problem. Earlier in the week it was available as free to watch on Tubi, but now it's not any longer. If you have Prime it's still available there, as well as Apple+ MGM+ and Paramount + so sorry everyone, it's like Let's Scare Jessica to Death all over again
UNLESS THEN TWO HOURS! #horrorwatch the awesome #horror #watchparty on #horrorsky! OH YES! EVENT HORIZON! Our first movie for our cosmic horror themed month of July! Join us! Free on Tubi
I guess we'll have to have a backup each week and do a day-of check to make sure our source hasn't dropped it that day. Man, they move fast.
This is kind of insane, though. Streaming really suuuucksss
It's getting suckier and suckier the last year, for sure.
yeah, agreed. And the fact they're trying to discontinue all physical media to try and force us to stream... sigh.
Right? I really wanted to buy the Ripley show but yeah, Netflix isn't releasing stuff it makes, nor is Apple. I am so damn grateful I watch more older stuff than new, and I'm still finding my older stuff on disc fortunately. So far.
I'm actually out buying as much physical media I can now, new or used, because of all this