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Founder of FanFooty - https://www.fanfooty.com.au
Now working on a game called Mr Football, a cross between Marvel Strike Force and Blood Bowl for Australian Rules football. Coming to mobile and desktop this year. - https://www.ticklemonster.com.au
Having a quiet morning with my good boy.
Feel bogged down in my #gamedev journey. Have four really difficult tasks on the go at once: - Cloud Function for linked list sort of PvP rankings - integrating Phaser with Steamworks.js - integrating Steamworks.js with Firebase Auth - generating custom JWTs in Firebase from Steam auth Struggles.
One of the many ways in which Multi-Member Proportional Representation is the best political system is it prevents politically-splintered contrarians from focusing all their hate on milquetoast centrist leaders. They also visit hate on the weak, ineffective leader of their preferred minor party. 👿😈
One of those #gamedev days where at the end of it there is no new code, but you have gained the vital knowledge that the idea you had at the start of the day is dumb and you should try something else tomorrow.
I have been working on Steam integration for my game #mrfootball for a few days now and randomly catch myself several times a day singing Steam by Peter Gabriel, how do people who actually work there cope, my god #gamedev
Feel like I can be a different person here compared to the hellsite. More replies, maybe start giving out likes, more naive positivity and supportiveness, drop the cynical shitposting ‘tude, be a better human.
Have done zero #gamedev work the last two days as the ⚫️🐶 visits. Trying to be good to myself.
Gamedev anxiety is interacting with my ADHD today, mental gridlock 🫥
Me having major anxiety after posting the #mrfootball Steam page today because what if nobody likes it and I suck and I spent six years of my life on #gamedev for nothing ⚫️🐶
Another day, another new @googlecloud.bsky.social function. Up to 15 now. And many more to come. #mrfootball #gamedev #indiedev
Quietly opened the first PvP mode in #mrfootball this arvo as part of version 0.8.0. Ladder is a leapfrog mode, currently populated by bot teams but eventually to be human coaches only. Also nearly done polishing the Journey mode. mrfootball.io
I identify strongly with Philip K. Dick’s cycle of falling in love, marrying, having kids, but then feeling manic frustration that life obstructs his work. I won’t chuck it in three times or go insane like he did… but I grok the sentiment. #gamedev
Dicking around with a hybrid leaderboard approach using linked lists. This lowers the updates to 5, but makes it difficult to calculate live ranking. Perhaps some fudging (a.k.a. "stochastic") would be acceptable? #gamedev
Love how I look up mobile #gamedev leaderboard database design and the entire internet is like 😬 ooh that's a tough one 🧐 best off keeping it in RAM (which is impractical in Firebase) 🤷‍♂️ good luck with that 🫡
Just upped my Vyvanse script from 40mg (massive supply shortfalls in Australia) to 50mg (not too bad actually) #winning #adhd
#mrfootball 0.7.0 uploading now to mrfootball.io. Huge update, fully implementing the Journey mode. Still a lot of tweaking to go, but it is operational. Should be balanced in time for Season Zero of the game, to coincide with the inaugural AFL round zero. #gamedev #screenshotsaturday
Struggling with #ADHD meds today, poorly timed as always
There should be a #gamedev Oscars, but for the characters. Best Performance In A Roleplaying Game goes to… Auntie Ethel!
Today on #mrfootball I ar mostly been working on @googlecloud.bsky.social functions called via HTTPS, to add to others which are triggered or scheduled. Yes, I had to resort to restoring a db backup after writing a function wrong. But only one time! 🥸 #gamedev
Promising aspect of the Sky opening up is the #gamedev feed is full of life today, long may the spice flow
I must not be a real gamedev, because I have never participated in a game jam and the mere thought of it fills me with terror and dread
Just had a siesta with my 7yo snoring next to me #winning
My hot #gamedev take: These corporate layoffs should catalyse a burst of creativity by newly retrenched but highly qualified folks going solo/startup. But as a former journo who hoped the same thing with journalism 20 years ago and was largely disappointed, I know it doesn’t work like that. 🤷‍♂️😬🙄🤌
#mrfootball 0.6.0 uploaded to mrfootball.io. Yes, Journeys are finally here! Only one open as of today, but it's (hopefully) functional... 🙏🤞 I won't post it on Reddit until it's bedded down a bit more, too fresh at the moment. #gamedev
After much hither and such yon, I finally have a basic operational codeset for the #mrfootball Journeys mode. Tomorrow I start polishing. 😤 #gamedev #screenshotsaturday
Wish I had the time to play Palworld, it sounds like the game inside Ready Player One with its dissonant smooshing up of genres, continuing the current trend of hybridised game dev. Not to mention the AI rumours. Very zeitgeist, much Baudrillard.
Morning ritual in my backyard: I feed the dog, multiple mynah birds flock to stand watch on the fence, dog gets excited, dog gets bored, birds swoop and yoink #thecircleofliiiiife
Me after trying 17 different things to get Firebase Auth to flow and getting desperate: “well, this is not gonna work” Firebase Auth: *works* Me: 😳🫣🥺🫠🙄 #gamedev
#mrfootball 0.5.04 now up on mrfootball.io. Mostly server bug fixes, as well as regional representative teams in Origin, and item merge tokens implemented. #gamedev