
Hendrick Tejonihokarawa (1660-1735) as painted by Dutch painter John Verelst in London during the ‘Four Mohawk Kings’ Haudenosaunee diplomatic visit to London and Queen Anne in 1710. Verelst added the wolf and imagined American backdrop, and while Hendrick’s attire and wampum…
…belt are likely reasonably accurate, the American backdrop and wolf are imagined, wolves having been eradicated in the British isles for centuries. At the time the Haudenosaunee were the most important single Indigenous geopolitical entity in Eastern North America, with…
…bargaining leverage with both colonial antagonists, the French and English, and both desiring their allyship.
…and, whatever deals were made in London, Tejonihokarawa was not a ‘King’ in the European sense of absolutism; he was deposed by Wolf Clan matrons in the winter of 1712-1713 for his dealings.