
Nora Baldwin (née Gladstone) 1920-2009 ~ (Kainai) From the Blood reserve, Nora Gladstone graduated from St. Paul's Anglican Residential School. She wanted to further her education but because Cardston refused to…
…accept Indian students, Gladstone travelled to Saskatoon and enrolled in Bedford Road Collegiate High School. After graduating from Bedford Road she went to Toronto to train at the Canadian Mothercraft Well Baby Hospital where she received training for two years…
…Nora Gladstone then went on to study as a registered nurse but was refused entrance to either Lethbridge and Calgary hospitals due to being a Status Indian. She was finally accepted by the Royal Jubilee Hospital in Victoria, B.C. Nora Gladstone graduated as a…
…Registered Nurse from the Royal Jubilee Hospital in 1945. Glenbow Archives