
We’re all sorting through our feelings about Joe Biden right now. I’m as uncertain as anyone. This might help.
15 Points and a Question About Joe Struggling to sort out your feelings about the president? So am I.
#1 👀 I’m less concerned about #7. Of course strident Democrats of Bluesky will vote for Biden regardless and apparently diss you if you even consider changing courses midstream). But people are forgetting a number of key voters who are likely turned off now (permanently: he’s not getting younger)
— the undecided — young voters (who are already dubious over the handling of Israel) — sane conservatives and Republicans looking for an excuse not to vote for Trump — POC That’s the election. You can come up with a solid talking points to rally the troops. But those people won’t be listening.
I'm not uncertain at all. I'm actually uncertain about who are uncertain. Is he 80... sure. Has he done a bad job... no. You can actually make the argument he's been the best President since FDR. Suck it up and grab an oar.