
We keep talking about Trump ordering Seal Team 6 to kill his rivals. I don't that's how it'll work - too much chain of command involved. He'd rather assemble a small team of loyal military operatives assigned to the White House, who answer only to him, to take such orders. Basically a death squad.
Now you might say "C'mon, you're talking crazy." Maybe. But this ruling is the culmination of everything he's dreamed of his entire life - a license to crime! With all the resources of the US government to enable him to do it! Right now his imagination is running wild.
The only part that needs further thought is a lot of crimes run afoul of state laws. Theoretically a state could try to enforce its laws.
I’ve thought about it. The states would be powerless given a little imagination exercised by the Supreme Autocrat and Imperial Guard. Given the inadmissibility of “official discussions” as evidence it would be impossible to prove if done with consideration.
Two states are currently trying to enforce their laws, one of which has already found him guilty. There will be no state exemption from absolute immunity.
And Project 2025 will surround him with an army of loyalists… on top of the outside militias who would LOVE a tactical op to be assigned by their King.
you are not talking crazy at all. literally everything is on the table
June 6 was an audition to be on Trump's death squad. What do you think the cost of a pardon will be?
I was thinking this morning about this revelation of his value system before he had dived into politics.
He wants to kill protestors. Red states gave people the ‘right’ to run over protestors. Everyone who criticizes him will be called an ‘enemy of the state’ and arrested for domestic terrorism. What he says Dems are doing to J6ers is exactly what he will do everyone who protests him.
Like the special operators in the tv show “The Unit.”
I would bet money that Erik Prince has already put in a bid for this contract.