
this isn’t meant to be a subtweet or anything, but it is truly sad how many of my Twitter mutuals (who I otherwise like) I see slowly mentally deteriorating over politics every single day on there. I wonder if it would be rude of me to DM them to plead with them to log off and go for a walk
Tell them to come to bluesky, we have shitposters and trans cuties
the few that I’ve talked to about Bluesky don’t like it here because there’s not enough “action,” which I can only assume means “people yelling at each other about the same shit 365 days a year.” hey, their loss imo
there's WAY more engagement here, from what artists have told me and from what I've seen
I felt like my tweets got a lot of engagement, but it wasn’t always the engagement I liked lol. a lot of it was just from people who just live to take issue with every single thing someone posts, and it just got to be exhausting to post at all
Yeah I get that to contrast, the most controversial topic on bluesky is "should you put alt text on images"
I'm one of the guys who kept getting bitmap errors when I post alt text on images from mobile (the most toxic part of the fandom, because we have Had Enough)
boo (alt text is good and cool, but getting errors is not)