
The Presidential Immunity decision is a hot mess. It contradicts itself... in its attempt to make this not cover Biden; but on its own merits it's pretty much carte blanche if plausible cover of "official act" is invoked. Yes, it manages to legalise bribery.
The Barrett Footnote tries to cover that, but since it determines motives can't be investigated (lest the President be attacked with allegations of improper motive, and so be hamstrung on every issue), I don't see how a prosecution could, rationally be brought.
BUT... they didn't define "official act" with real specificity, so a host of things which are official could leave the "core responsibilities" and thus expose someone to subsequent prosecution (say, a Democratic President). And the flim-flam about impeachment... rubbish.
They say a former president can be prosecuted if they were unsuccessfully impeached. BUT... any defense att'y worth their salt will argue, "That the House refused to impeach/The Senate to convict means it was recognised as an official act".
The net effect ism absent a House/Senate willing to impeach, convict, and removes; this Court has set itself up as the Sole Arbiter of what is/isn't an official act. The Present Law is It's OK If You Are A Republican.