
This is my hometown of Spencer, Iowa. It's been a little damp. This shows the South side of town, but much of the North side is also flooded. Most of the city of 11k was evacuated yesterday (date of pic). Flushing is forbidden due to the treatment plant being under water. 1/
The river is rising. Using the Dairy Queen measuring system, you can see the difference between yesterday morning and afternoon. 2/
This is an unprecedented flood. We had 6+ in of rain Friday night into Saturday, but it's been raining for weeks. I live 20 miles from town on an acreage. I often complain about living in the middle of nowhere, but not today. 3/ P.S. The levee broke.
Oh no! Glad that at least you're safe and dry. Even though penguins can swim...
I wouldn't want to swim in the water with the sewage treatment plant closed!! There are pictures of people swimming in the streets. Stupid.
Wow, so sorry to see this. The amounts of rain in the area are staggering. At this point, you don't want to be anywhere near a river or even a large stream. My younger son went to college in Grinnell and I think they are lucky through this as there is no running water going through town.