Perpetual Ploy πŸŽ²πŸƒβ™ŸοΈ

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Perpetual Ploy πŸŽ²πŸƒβ™ŸοΈ

Board games are sentient. Having folks enjoy games is our glorious purpose. He/Him.
Pro: FLGS, small publishers, great boardgames.
Con: shelving vertically, gatekeeping.
I don't get boardgame tables. What is with the recessed playing surface? It doesn't seem like it makes it easier to see anything and even makes the playing surface a little smaller in most cases because of the "border". Can someone explain this to me?
And this is why I don't buy boardgames that play best at 3 players... This is for 9 months of data, 36 game nights, 94 plays of 49 unique games. My game group has 3 couples (who come or don't come as a pair), myself and another single who always shows up, so we jump up to 4+ pretty quick.
It's boardgame night finally! Just have to get through work. We'll likely have 4 tonight, so it might be Castles of Burgundy time!
Which boardgame would you play? πŸš‚ Railroad Ink Vs . 🏑 Welcome to... Vs. πŸ—ΊοΈ Cartographers #ShelfWar
I'm not saying this is the best way to win a territory control boardgame, but I'm also not not saying it.
"oh, we weren't playing D&D, we were playing..."
Roll your eyes. A push your luck boardgame where you are a bunch of teenagers rolling their eyes at adults trying not to get caught. The dice all have eyeballs for pips and you try to roll the combos on the snark cards without rolling two 1s (snake eyes).
Managed to snag a cheap copy of the Dead of Winter boardgame second hand. It's been on my "to-buy" list for awhile and I'm looking forward to some shady zombie dealings. Anyone have some experience with this one?
Here is the weight of my current boardgame collection. We play light-medium weight games. Once you get into medium+ weight games the play times jump up to 2.5/3+ hours a game & don't fit during game night. You can find yours from your BGG collection here:
Mentioned to the 7 y.o. today that I was thinking about doing an after school boardgame club/class through the community Ed during the school year. She's pretty excited! Probably will have it for 1st & 2nd graders (3rd is a different school). It'd be an hour, once a week. Anyone have tips!?
Not boardgames but some table shuffleboard for the 4th. 10-0. Victorious against all challengers.
I brought a handful of boardgames for my family's 4th of July weekend. The weather is supposed to be complete garbage so this is my chance to get folks to play! 🍣 Sushi Go πŸ₯— Point Salad πŸ’€ MonsDRAWsity 🫎 Cascadia Will they get played!?
What boardgames do you bring for family gatherings? You know the ones, where you have no idea if you'll play and for how long and for how many people... #boardgame
Game night cancelled this week due to 4th of July (happy bday America) plans. Bummer but will be able to see the family and have vacation for a few days. Might bring a game or two.
Boardgame plays for June! We have never failed so quickly in Obscurio before. Our grimoire was doing their own thing, ha.
Boardgames are better than modern video games because with video games you no longer have all your friends over and play splitscreen anymore...they just play at their place and it's not the same. Boardgames still bringing that split screen level energy every week.
Always happy to see more modern boardgames available in different places. This is the selection at my GROCERY STORE. How cool is that!?
Having some bad anxiety the last 48 hours. 2 hours of sleep last night. Hopefully boardgame night helps in a few hours here rather than exacerbating it.
What boardgame mechanic/theme do you have the most of in your collection? About 15% of my collection is Sci-Fi/space (though I am also a huge sci-fi reader). I also love hand management.
Worker placement is 1 boardgame mechanic that is a gap in my collection. Can't seem to find 1 that works for my group. We're not "heavy" gamers & only play games that are <90 mins. I have Champions of Midgard but more of that game seems to be the battle mechanic than WP. Any suggestions? Stone age?
Just when I thought Canada might know how to play hockey...
How much of your boardgame collection can you teach without referencing the rulebook (besides setup info like starting hand size)? 🎲 10% 🎲 30% 🎲 50% 🎲 80% 🎲 90% 🎲 100% Is it a testament to the size of your collection, the number of times you've played them, complexity of collection?
My area at work always does those personality/work style assessments every year or 2. I find them super interesting & reveals how different I approach my work than I do in my hobbies. It always says I'm super empathetic, accommodating, and non-competitive. But I LOVE competition for my hobbies.
Trap Boardgame nights: Lure people to your house to play a classic boardgame and then play a heavy modern board game after that is loosely related. "So we've played Monopoly, now let's construct a city in Suburbia".
Got demolished at last night's boardgame session. 6 short games without a win. A good reminder about games still being fun when you lose. Had a great time but I must admit I was a bit frustrated when we were 8 rounds into SCOUT and I had yet to closeout a hand. Terrible cards. Ha.
It's boardgame night! 5 or 6 players tonight. What would you play!?
Let's talk about mental health & boardgames. They're great for keeping u sharp but it goes beyond that. It's an excuse to gather around the table each week w/ ur friends. That means so much to me. People are so lonely & it's often the only time I have w/ friends each week as I work & raise my kids.
What type of alien do you like playing in Cosmic Encounter? πŸ‘½ Aggressive πŸ‘Ύ Defensive πŸ‘½ Chaos maker πŸ‘Ύ Influencer πŸ‘½ Alternative win condition πŸ‘Ύ Sneaky #boardgames